All Relations between Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity and parenting

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Charlotte Johnston, Eric J Mash, Natalie Miller, Jerilyn E Ninowsk. Parenting in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Clinical psychology review. vol 32. issue 4. 2012-08-28. PMID:22459785. parenting in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd). 2012-08-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
Charlotte Johnston, Eric J Mash, Natalie Miller, Jerilyn E Ninowsk. Parenting in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Clinical psychology review. vol 32. issue 4. 2012-08-28. PMID:22459785. parenting is a particularly important domain of functioning given the familial nature of the disorder and emerging evidence that parenting behaviors play a role in the development or maintenance of child adhd symptoms, comorbid psychopathologies, and other associated difficulties. 2012-08-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
Charlotte Johnston, Eric J Mash, Natalie Miller, Jerilyn E Ninowsk. Parenting in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Clinical psychology review. vol 32. issue 4. 2012-08-28. PMID:22459785. we consider how these deficits may lead to impairments in the parenting behaviors of effective behavioral control and emotional responsiveness, and review the available evidence regarding parenting in adults with adhd symptoms. 2012-08-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
Charlotte Johnston, Eric J Mash, Natalie Miller, Jerilyn E Ninowsk. Parenting in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Clinical psychology review. vol 32. issue 4. 2012-08-28. PMID:22459785. we conclude by noting the limitations in existing studies, and argue for further research that is theoretically grounded in how core deficits of adhd may be related to dimensions of parenting. 2012-08-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
Charlotte Johnston, Eric J Mash, Natalie Miller, Jerilyn E Ninowsk. Parenting in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Clinical psychology review. vol 32. issue 4. 2012-08-28. PMID:22459785. the implications of an improved understanding of how adhd impacts parenting for the development of early intervention or prevention programs are outlined. 2012-08-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
Irene Tung, James J Li, Steve S Le. Child sex moderates the association between negative parenting and childhood conduct problems. Aggressive behavior. vol 38. issue 3. 2012-07-19. PMID:22531998. to improve the specificity of current models of negative parenting and offspring cp, we explored the potential moderating role of child sex in a sample of 179 5- to 10-year-old ethnically diverse boys and girls with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) who were assessed using multiple methods (i.e., rating scales, semistructured interviews) and informants (i.e., parents, teachers). 2012-07-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
Leanne Tamm, George W Holden, Paul A Nakonezny, Sarah Swart, Carroll W Hughe. Metaparenting: associations with parenting stress, child-rearing practices, and retention in parents of children at risk for ADHD. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. vol 4. issue 1. 2012-07-10. PMID:22139850. metaparenting: associations with parenting stress, child-rearing practices, and retention in parents of children at risk for adhd. 2012-07-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Leanne Tamm, George W Holden, Paul A Nakonezny, Sarah Swart, Carroll W Hughe. Metaparenting: associations with parenting stress, child-rearing practices, and retention in parents of children at risk for ADHD. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. vol 4. issue 1. 2012-07-10. PMID:22139850. the aim of the study is to investigate metaparenting (effortful, deliberate cognition about parenting) in parents of children at risk for adhd including predictors, correlates, and intervention outcomes. 2012-07-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Leanne Tamm, George W Holden, Paul A Nakonezny, Sarah Swart, Carroll W Hughe. Metaparenting: associations with parenting stress, child-rearing practices, and retention in parents of children at risk for ADHD. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. vol 4. issue 1. 2012-07-10. PMID:22139850. parents (n = 68) of children with significant adhd symptoms (i.e., ≥ 6 inattentive or hyperactive/impulsive symptoms with impairment in ≥ 2 settings, mostly un-medicated) provided ratings of metaparenting, parenting stress and practices, and child adhd symptoms before and after parent training. 2012-07-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Louise J Keow. Predictors of boys' ADHD symptoms from early to middle childhood: the role of father-child and mother-child interactions. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 40. issue 4. 2012-06-15. PMID:22038253. this prospective 3 year longitudinal study investigated preschool paternal and maternal parenting predictors of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(adhd) in a community sample of 93 school-age boys. 2012-06-15 2023-08-12 human
Louise J Keow. Predictors of boys' ADHD symptoms from early to middle childhood: the role of father-child and mother-child interactions. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 40. issue 4. 2012-06-15. PMID:22038253. findings highlight the importance of examining responsive parenting behaviors of both fathers and mothers in relation to multi-informant ratings of adhd symptoms. 2012-06-15 2023-08-12 human
James J Li, Steve S Le. Association of positive and negative parenting behavior with childhood ADHD: interactions with offspring monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) genotype. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 40. issue 2. 2012-03-20. PMID:21826446. association of positive and negative parenting behavior with childhood adhd: interactions with offspring monoamine oxidase a (mao-a) genotype. 2012-03-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
James J Li, Steve S Le. Association of positive and negative parenting behavior with childhood ADHD: interactions with offspring monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) genotype. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 40. issue 2. 2012-03-20. PMID:21826446. we tested the interactive effects of the 30-base pair variable number tandem repeat (vntr) polymorphism of the monoamine oxidase a gene (mao-a) with positive and negative parenting behavior on parent- and teacher ratings of inattention and hyperactivity symptoms among 150 6-9 year-old boys with and without adhd. 2012-03-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
James J Li, Steve S Le. Association of positive and negative parenting behavior with childhood ADHD: interactions with offspring monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) genotype. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 40. issue 2. 2012-03-20. PMID:21826446. mao-a genotype did not moderate the association of positive parenting and parent- and teacher ratings of adhd. 2012-03-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
James J Li, Steve S Le. Association of positive and negative parenting behavior with childhood ADHD: interactions with offspring monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) genotype. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 40. issue 2. 2012-03-20. PMID:21826446. we discuss the potential role of interactive exchanges between parenting behavior and child genotype in the development and persistence of adhd and related behavior problems. 2012-03-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yoshito Kawabata, Wan-Ling Tseng, Susan Shur-Fen Ga. Symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and social and school adjustment: the moderating roles of age and parenting. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 40. issue 2. 2012-03-20. PMID:21858455. this study examined the associations between symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) and social and school adjustment (academic performance, peer relationships, school social problems) and the moderating roles of children's age and maternal parenting (affection and overprotection) in these associations. 2012-03-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yoshito Kawabata, Wan-Ling Tseng, Susan Shur-Fen Ga. Symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and social and school adjustment: the moderating roles of age and parenting. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 40. issue 2. 2012-03-20. PMID:21858455. further, children's age and maternal parenting moderated the associations between adhd symptoms and school and social adjustment. 2012-03-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Kelly A O'Brien, Charlotte Johnston, Heather A Jones, Tana L Clarke, Veronica L Raggi, Mary E Rooney, Yamalis Diaz, Jessica Pian, Karen E Seymou. The relation between maternal ADHD symptoms & improvement in child behavior following brief behavioral parent training is mediated by change in negative parenting. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 39. issue 7. 2011-12-27. PMID:21537894. the relation between maternal adhd symptoms & improvement in child behavior following brief behavioral parent training is mediated by change in negative parenting. 2011-12-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Kelly A O'Brien, Charlotte Johnston, Heather A Jones, Tana L Clarke, Veronica L Raggi, Mary E Rooney, Yamalis Diaz, Jessica Pian, Karen E Seymou. The relation between maternal ADHD symptoms & improvement in child behavior following brief behavioral parent training is mediated by change in negative parenting. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 39. issue 7. 2011-12-27. PMID:21537894. change in parenting was examined as a potential mediator of the negative relationship between maternal adhd symptoms and improvement in child behavior. 2011-12-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Kelly A O'Brien, Charlotte Johnston, Heather A Jones, Tana L Clarke, Veronica L Raggi, Mary E Rooney, Yamalis Diaz, Jessica Pian, Karen E Seymou. The relation between maternal ADHD symptoms & improvement in child behavior following brief behavioral parent training is mediated by change in negative parenting. Journal of abnormal child psychology. vol 39. issue 7. 2011-12-27. PMID:21537894. the relation between maternal adhd symptomatology and improvement in child behavior was mediated by change in observed maternal negative parenting. 2011-12-27 2023-08-12 Not clear