All Relations between Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity and parenting

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Erik Parens, Josephine Johnsto. Facts, values, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): an update on the controversies. Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health. vol 3. issue 1. 2010-05-20. PMID:19152690. (3) many other variables, from different systems and tools of diagnosis to different parenting styles and expectations, also help explain why behaviors associated with adhd can be interpreted differently. 2010-05-20 2023-08-12 human
Louise C Deaul. A systematic review of parenting in relation to the development of comorbidities and functional impairments in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Child psychiatry and human development. vol 41. issue 2. 2010-05-05. PMID:19768532. a systematic review of parenting in relation to the development of comorbidities and functional impairments in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd). 2010-05-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Louise C Deaul. A systematic review of parenting in relation to the development of comorbidities and functional impairments in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Child psychiatry and human development. vol 41. issue 2. 2010-05-05. PMID:19768532. this review synthesizes recent research evidence regarding the parenting characteristics associated with families with children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd). 2010-05-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Louise C Deaul. A systematic review of parenting in relation to the development of comorbidities and functional impairments in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Child psychiatry and human development. vol 41. issue 2. 2010-05-05. PMID:19768532. following from johnston and mash's review (johnston and mash, clin child fam psychol rev 4:183-207, 2001), the present review systematically examines empirical studies from 2000-2008 that investigate parenting variables in relation to the development of children with adhd, with a particular focus on the development of externalizing and internalizing comorbidities, as well as functional impairments in academic and social contexts. 2010-05-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Stephen Scott, Kathy Sylva, Moira Doolan, Jenny Price, Brian Jacobs, Carolyn Crook, Sabine Landa. Randomised controlled trial of parent groups for child antisocial behaviour targeting multiple risk factors: the SPOKES project. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines. vol 51. issue 1. 2010-04-15. PMID:19732250. the aim of this trial was to change four risk factors that predict poor outcome: ineffective parenting, conduct problems, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) symptoms, and low reading ability. 2010-04-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
D Daley, K Jones, J Hutchings, M Thompso. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in pre-school children: current findings, recommended interventions and future directions. Child: care, health and development. vol 35. issue 6. 2010-03-08. PMID:19508319. a review of current parenting training interventions demonstrates that there is good evidence for their efficacy in reducing symptoms of adhd in pre-school children, and three interventions are evaluated: the new forest parent training programme (nfpp); the triple p - positive parenting programme and the incredible years parent training programme (iy). 2010-03-08 2023-08-12 Not clear
Louise Dunn, Wendy J Coster, Ellen S Cohn, Gael I Orsmon. Factors associated with participation of children with and without ADHD in household tasks. Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics. vol 29. issue 3. 2010-01-15. PMID:19842856. forty-four parents of children with and without adhd completed a series of measures that examined family routine frequency and importance, parenting stress, parenting sense of competence, and a measure of their children's participation in household tasks. 2010-01-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
b' Ana Miranda, Dolores Grau, Jes\\xc3\\xbas Rosel, Amanda Meli\\xc3\\xa. Understanding discipline in families of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a structural equation model. The Spanish journal of psychology. vol 12. issue 2. 2009-12-03. PMID:19899651.' one hundred and fifty-five mothers of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) completed a semi-structured interview, the parenting stress index questionnaire (abidin, 1990), to evaluate parenting stress. 2009-12-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
Margaret J J Thompson, Cathy Laver-Bradbury, Michelle Ayres, Emma Le Poidevin, Sarah Mead, Catherine Dodds, Lamprini Psychogiou, Paraskevi Bitsakou, David Daley, Anne Weeks, Laurie Miller Brotman, Howard Abikoff, Penny Thompson, Edmund J S Sonuga-Bark. A small-scale randomized controlled trial of the revised new forest parenting programme for preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. European child & adolescent psychiatry. vol 18. issue 10. 2009-11-30. PMID:19404717. the revised new forest parenting programme (nfpp) is an 8-week psychological intervention designed to treat adhd in preschool children by targeting, amongst other things, both underlying impairments in self-regulation and the quality of mother-child interactions. 2009-11-30 2023-08-12 Not clear
Won-Oak Oh, Judy Kendal. Patterns of parenting in Korean mothers of children with ADHD: A Q-methodology study. Journal of family nursing. vol 15. issue 3. 2009-10-06. PMID:19531629. patterns of parenting in korean mothers of children with adhd: a q-methodology study. 2009-10-06 2023-08-12 human
Won-Oak Oh, Judy Kendal. Patterns of parenting in Korean mothers of children with ADHD: A Q-methodology study. Journal of family nursing. vol 15. issue 3. 2009-10-06. PMID:19531629. the purpose of this study was to investigate patterns of parenting in korean mothers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) and identify major threads that structured various patterns of parenting. 2009-10-06 2023-08-12 human
Won-Oak Oh, Judy Kendal. Patterns of parenting in Korean mothers of children with ADHD: A Q-methodology study. Journal of family nursing. vol 15. issue 3. 2009-10-06. PMID:19531629. this study provides an opportunity to enhance our understanding of the parenting patterns of mothers of children with adhd in korea. 2009-10-06 2023-08-12 human
Won-Oak Oh, Judy Kendal. Patterns of parenting in Korean mothers of children with ADHD: A Q-methodology study. Journal of family nursing. vol 15. issue 3. 2009-10-06. PMID:19531629. the findings can function as a cornerstone for developing future models of parenting children with adhd and parent-child interactions. 2009-10-06 2023-08-12 human
N Franc, M Maury, D Purper-Ouaki. [ADHD and attachment processes: are they related?]. L'Encephale. vol 35. issue 3. 2009-08-21. PMID:19540412. parental caregiving - including maternal sensitivity, positive parenting practices - is a main factor involved in the development of attachment, and has shown to be associated with better outcomes in adhd children, especially with less oppositional/conduct disorders. 2009-08-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Christine M Freitag, Susann Hänig, Haukur Palmason, Jobst Meyer, Stefan Wüst, Christiane Seit. Cortisol awakening response in healthy children and children with ADHD: impact of comorbid disorders and psychosocial risk factors. Psychoneuroendocrinology. vol 34. issue 7. 2009-08-11. PMID:19278790. in addition, current adverse parenting conditions, family conflicts, and acute life events were associated with mean increase in car, emphasizing the role of psychosocial risk factors in mediating hpa axis activity in children with adhd. 2009-08-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Roberta Waite, Nicole Ive. Promoting culturally sensitive ADHD services for women: an individual example and a call to action. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services. vol 47. issue 4. 2009-07-22. PMID:19437929. in addition, women with adhd have limited ability to be consistent parents, are less able to manage their jobs and households, and are at a higher risk for divorce and single parenting. 2009-07-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
Anil Chacko, Brian T Wymbs, Frances A Wymbs, William E Pelham, Michelle S Swanger-Gagne, Erin Girio, Lauma Pirvics, Laura Herbst, Jamie Guzzo, Carlie Phillips, Briannon O'Conno. Enhancing traditional behavioral parent training for single mothers of children with ADHD. Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. vol 38. issue 2. 2009-07-13. PMID:19283599. this study randomly assigned cohorts of 120 single mothers of children (ages 5-12 years) with adhd to a waitlist control group, a traditional behavioral parent training program, or an enhanced behavioral parent training program -- the strategies to enhance positive parenting (stepp) program. 2009-07-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Rivka Landau, Riki Amiel-Laviad, Andrea Berger, Naama Atzaba-Poria, Judith G Auerbac. Parenting of 7-month-old infants at familial risk for ADHD during infant's free play, with restrictions on interaction. Infant behavior & development. vol 32. issue 2. 2009-06-11. PMID:19185353. parenting of 7-month-old infants at familial risk for adhd during infant's free play, with restrictions on interaction. 2009-06-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Doré R Laforett, Desiree W Murray, Scott H Kollin. Psychosocial treatments for preschool-aged children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Developmental disabilities research reviews. vol 14. issue 4. 2009-03-31. PMID:19072758. this article reviews the research literature on psychosocial treatments for preschool-aged children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) in the context of the developmental and contextual needs of this population (e.g., increased parenting demands, differences in classroom structure, and the child's emerging developmental capacities). 2009-03-31 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ina Schreyer, Petra Hampe. [ADHD among boys in childhood: quality of life and parenting behavior]. Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. vol 37. issue 1. 2009-03-30. PMID:19105165. [adhd among boys in childhood: quality of life and parenting behavior]. 2009-03-30 2023-08-12 Not clear