All Relations between cross-modal perception and cerebral cortex

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Nikolaas N Oosterhof, Steven P Tipper, Paul E Downin. Viewpoint (in)dependence of action representations: an MVPA study. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 24. issue 4. 2012-06-26. PMID:22264198. in contrast, more posterior areas in the parietal and occipitotemporal cortex did show cross-modal coding regardless of perspective. 2012-06-26 2023-08-12 human
Pascale Sandmann, Norbert Dillier, Tom Eichele, Martin Meyer, Andrea Kegel, Roberto Domingo Pascual-Marqui, Valentine Leslie Marcar, Lutz Jäncke, Stefan Debene. Visual activation of auditory cortex reflects maladaptive plasticity in cochlear implant users. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 135. issue Pt 2. 2012-04-27. PMID:22232592. cross-modal reorganization in the auditory cortex has been reported in deaf individuals. 2012-04-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Pascale Sandmann, Norbert Dillier, Tom Eichele, Martin Meyer, Andrea Kegel, Roberto Domingo Pascual-Marqui, Valentine Leslie Marcar, Lutz Jäncke, Stefan Debene. Visual activation of auditory cortex reflects maladaptive plasticity in cochlear implant users. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 135. issue Pt 2. 2012-04-27. PMID:22232592. the current study used electroencephalography source localization to examine cross-modal reorganization in the auditory cortex of post-lingually deafened cochlear implant users. 2012-04-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Alex Meredith, Stephen G Lombe. Somatosensory and visual crossmodal plasticity in the anterior auditory field of early-deaf cats. Hearing research. vol 280. issue 1-2. 2012-03-26. PMID:21354286. it is well known that the post-natal loss of sensory input in one modality can result in crossmodal reorganization of the deprived cortical areas, but deafness fails to induce crossmodal effects in cat primary auditory cortex (a1). 2012-03-26 2023-08-12 cat
Andrew J Butler, Karin H Jame. Cross-modal versus within-modal recall: differences in behavioral and brain responses. Behavioural brain research. vol 224. issue 2. 2011-12-21. PMID:21723328. when auditory targets were correctly or incorrectly recalled using a cross-modal visual cue, there was re-activation in auditory association cortex, and recall of information from cross-modal associations activated the hippocampus to a greater degree than within-modal associations. 2011-12-21 2023-08-12 human
Chiara F Sambo, Bettina Forste. When far is near: ERP correlates of crossmodal spatial interactions between tactile and mirror-reflected visual stimuli. Neuroscience letters. vol 500. issue 1. 2011-12-14. PMID:21683122. the main finding was that crossmodal spatial modulations of erps recorded over and close to somatosensory cortex were present in the 'mirror' condition but not the 'far' condition. 2011-12-14 2023-08-12 human
Barry E Stein, Benjamin A Rowlan. Organization and plasticity in multisensory integration: early and late experience affects its governing principles. Progress in brain research. vol 191. 2011-11-14. PMID:21741550. the data show that is acquired only gradually during postnatal life as a consequence of at least two factors: the maturation of cooperative interactions between association cortex and the sc, and extensive experience with cross-modal cues. 2011-11-14 2023-08-12 monkey
Stephen G Lomber, M Alex Meredith, Andrej Kra. Adaptive crossmodal plasticity in deaf auditory cortex: areal and laminar contributions to supranormal vision in the deaf. Progress in brain research. vol 191. 2011-11-14. PMID:21741556. adaptive crossmodal plasticity in deaf auditory cortex: areal and laminar contributions to supranormal vision in the deaf. 2011-11-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Stephen G Lomber, M Alex Meredith, Andrej Kra. Adaptive crossmodal plasticity in deaf auditory cortex: areal and laminar contributions to supranormal vision in the deaf. Progress in brain research. vol 191. 2011-11-14. PMID:21741556. taken together, this combination of experimental approaches has demonstrated a causal link between the crossmodal reorganization of auditory cortex and enhanced visual abilities of the deaf, as well as identified the cortical regions responsible for adaptive supranormal vision. 2011-11-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Alex Meredith, James Kryklywy, Amee J McMillan, Shveta Malhotra, Ryan Lum-Tai, Stephen G Lombe. Crossmodal reorganization in the early deaf switches sensory, but not behavioral roles of auditory cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 108. issue 21. 2011-10-07. PMID:21555555. crossmodal reorganization in the early deaf switches sensory, but not behavioral roles of auditory cortex. 2011-10-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
Charlotte Codina, Olivier Pascalis, Chris Mody, Peter Toomey, Jill Rose, Laura Gummer, David Buckle. Visual advantage in deaf adults linked to retinal changes. PloS one. vol 6. issue 6. 2011-09-30. PMID:21673805. in particular, auditory-visual cross-modal plasticity occurs, wherein redundant auditory cortex becomes recruited to vision. 2011-09-30 2023-08-12 human
Yu-Ting Mao, Tian-Miao Hua, Sarah L Palla. Competition and convergence between auditory and cross-modal visual inputs to primary auditory cortical areas. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 105. issue 4. 2011-09-29. PMID:21273321. using ferrets whose retinal axons were rerouted into auditory thalamus at birth, we were able to examine the effect of varying the degree of ectopic, cross-modal input on reorganization of developing auditory cortex. 2011-09-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yu-Ting Mao, Tian-Miao Hua, Sarah L Palla. Competition and convergence between auditory and cross-modal visual inputs to primary auditory cortical areas. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 105. issue 4. 2011-09-29. PMID:21273321. we demonstrate that although the cross-modal inputs create new visual neurons in auditory cortex, some auditory processing remains. 2011-09-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Flavia Mancini, Nadia Bolognini, Emanuela Bricolo, Giuseppe Valla. Cross-modal processing in the occipito-temporal cortex: a TMS study of the Müller-Lyer illusion. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 23. issue 8. 2011-09-23. PMID:20807050. these results demonstrate the causal involvement of bilateral occipito-temporal cortex in the representation of the visual, haptic, and cross-modal müller-lyer illusion, in favor of the hypothesis of shared underlying processes. 2011-09-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Flavia Mancini, Nadia Bolognini, Emanuela Bricolo, Giuseppe Valla. Cross-modal processing in the occipito-temporal cortex: a TMS study of the Müller-Lyer illusion. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 23. issue 8. 2011-09-23. PMID:20807050. this indicates that occipito-temporal cortex plays a cross-modal role in perception both of illusory and nonillusory shapes. 2011-09-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
T Donishi, A Kimura, H Imbe, I Yokoi, Y Kaneok. Sub-threshold cross-modal sensory interaction in the thalamus: lemniscal auditory response in the medial geniculate nucleus is modulated by somatosensory stimulation. Neuroscience. vol 174. 2011-06-21. PMID:21111788. recent studies have highlighted cross-modal sensory modulations in the primary sensory areas in the cortex, suggesting that cross-modal sensory interactions occur at early stages in the hierarchy of sensory processing. 2011-06-21 2023-08-12 human
Carmen Schmid, Christian Büchel, Michael Ros. The neural basis of visual dominance in the context of audio-visual object processing. NeuroImage. vol 55. issue 1. 2011-05-13. PMID:21112404. during encoding, cross-modal competition and attention towards the opponent domain reduced fmri signals in both neural systems, but cross-modal competition was more pronounced in the auditory system and only in auditory cortex this competition was further modulated by attention. 2011-05-13 2023-08-12 human
Jeremy D Thorne, Maarten De Vos, Filipa Campos Viola, Stefan Debene. Cross-modal phase reset predicts auditory task performance in humans. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 31. issue 10. 2011-05-11. PMID:21389240. significant cross-modal phase resetting was observed in auditory cortex at low alpha frequencies (8-10 hz) peaking 80 ms after auditory onset, at high alpha frequencies (10-12 hz) peaking at 88 ms, and at high theta frequencies (∼ 7 hz) peaking at 156 ms. 2011-05-11 2023-08-12 human
Henning Scheich, André Brechmann, Michael Brosch, Eike Budinger, Frank W Ohl, Elena Selezneva, Holger Stark, Wolfgang Tischmeyer, Wolfram Wetze. Behavioral semantics of learning and crossmodal processing in auditory cortex: the semantic processor concept. Hearing research. vol 271. issue 1-2. 2011-05-04. PMID:20971178. behavioral semantics of learning and crossmodal processing in auditory cortex: the semantic processor concept. 2011-05-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Leslie P Keniston, Scott C Henderson, M Alex Meredit. Neuroanatomical identification of crossmodal auditory inputs to interneurons in somatosensory cortex. Experimental brain research. vol 202. issue 3. 2011-03-23. PMID:20087577. neuroanatomical identification of crossmodal auditory inputs to interneurons in somatosensory cortex. 2011-03-23 2023-08-12 Not clear