All Relations between cross-modal perception and cerebral cortex

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Anna Seydell-Greenwald, Adam S Greenberg, Josef P Rauschecke. Are you listening? Brain activation associated with sustained nonspatial auditory attention in the presence and absence of stimulation. Human brain mapping. vol 35. issue 5. 2014-12-01. PMID:23913818. compared to resting conditions with identical stimulation, all tasks produced robust activation increases in auditory cortex, cross-modal inhibition in visual and somatosensory cortex, and decreases in the default mode network, indicating that participants were indeed focusing their attention on the auditory domain. 2014-12-01 2023-08-12 human
Nadine Hauthal, Jeremy D Thorne, Stefan Debener, Pascale Sandman. Source localisation of visual evoked potentials in congenitally deaf individuals. Brain topography. vol 27. issue 3. 2014-12-01. PMID:24337445. to better understand the neural basis of deafness-induced changes, the present study used electroencephalography to examine visual functions and cross-modal reorganization of the auditory cortex in deaf individuals. 2014-12-01 2023-08-12 human
Nadine Hauthal, Jeremy D Thorne, Stefan Debener, Pascale Sandman. Source localisation of visual evoked potentials in congenitally deaf individuals. Brain topography. vol 27. issue 3. 2014-12-01. PMID:24337445. in contrast to our expectations, the results from vep source analysis revealed no clear evidence for cross-modal reorganization in the auditory cortex of deaf participants. 2014-12-01 2023-08-12 human
Thomas B Christophel, John-Dylan Hayne. Decoding complex flow-field patterns in visual working memory. NeuroImage. vol 91. 2014-11-17. PMID:24480302. interestingly, we also found information about the memorized visual stimulus in somatosensory cortex, suggesting a potential crossmodal contribution to memory. 2014-11-17 2023-08-12 human
Céline Perez, Sylvie Chokro. Rehabilitation of homonymous hemianopia: insight into blindsight. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience. vol 8. 2014-11-06. PMID:25374515. strong evidence of considerable plasticity in primary sensory areas in the adult cortex, and of dramatic cross-modal reorganization in visual areas, after short- or long-term visual deprivation has recently been reported. 2014-11-06 2023-08-13 monkey
Emma L Hindley, Andrew J D Nelson, John P Aggleton, Seralynne D Van. Dysgranular retrosplenial cortex lesions in rats disrupt cross-modal object recognition. Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). vol 21. issue 3. 2014-10-12. PMID:24554671. dysgranular retrosplenial cortex lesions in rats disrupt cross-modal object recognition. 2014-10-12 2023-08-12 rat
Emma L Hindley, Andrew J D Nelson, John P Aggleton, Seralynne D Van. Dysgranular retrosplenial cortex lesions in rats disrupt cross-modal object recognition. Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). vol 21. issue 3. 2014-10-12. PMID:24554671. rats with lesions in either the dysgranular subregion of retrosplenial cortex (area 30) or lesions in both the granular and dysgranular subregions (areas 29 and 30) were tested on cross-modal object recognition (experiment 1). 2014-10-12 2023-08-12 rat
Emma L Hindley, Andrew J D Nelson, John P Aggleton, Seralynne D Van. Dysgranular retrosplenial cortex lesions in rats disrupt cross-modal object recognition. Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). vol 21. issue 3. 2014-10-12. PMID:24554671. the dysgranular retrosplenial cortex lesions selectively impaired cross-modal recognition when cue conditions switched from dark to light between initial sampling and subsequent object recognition, but no impairment was seen when the cue conditions remained constant, whether dark or light. 2014-10-12 2023-08-12 rat
Martin Schecklmann, Michael Landgrebe, Tobias Kleinjung, Elmar Frank, Philipp G Sand, Rainer Rupprecht, Peter Eichhammer, Göran Hajak, Berthold Langgut. Changes in motor cortex excitability associated with temporal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in tinnitus: hints for cross-modal plasticity? BMC neuroscience. vol 15. 2014-08-27. PMID:24898574. changes in motor cortex excitability associated with temporal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in tinnitus: hints for cross-modal plasticity? 2014-08-27 2023-08-13 Not clear
Martin Schecklmann, Michael Landgrebe, Tobias Kleinjung, Elmar Frank, Philipp G Sand, Rainer Rupprecht, Peter Eichhammer, Göran Hajak, Berthold Langgut. Changes in motor cortex excitability associated with temporal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in tinnitus: hints for cross-modal plasticity? BMC neuroscience. vol 15. 2014-08-27. PMID:24898574. motor cortex excitability was found to be changed after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rtms) of the temporal cortex highlighting the occurrence of cross-modal plasticity in non-invasive brain stimulation. 2014-08-27 2023-08-13 Not clear
Melanie A Kok, Nicole Chabot, Stephen G Lombe. Cross-modal reorganization of cortical afferents to dorsal auditory cortex following early- and late-onset deafness. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 522. issue 3. 2014-08-25. PMID:23897533. cross-modal reorganization of cortical afferents to dorsal auditory cortex following early- and late-onset deafness. 2014-08-25 2023-08-12 cat
Melanie A Kok, Nicole Chabot, Stephen G Lombe. Cross-modal reorganization of cortical afferents to dorsal auditory cortex following early- and late-onset deafness. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 522. issue 3. 2014-08-25. PMID:23897533. cat auditory cortex is known to undergo cross-modal reorganization following deafness, such that behavioral advantages in visual motion detection are abolished when a specific region of deaf auditory cortex, the dorsal zone (dz), is deactivated. 2014-08-25 2023-08-12 cat
C R Lyness, B Woll, R Campbell, V Cardi. How does visual language affect crossmodal plasticity and cochlear implant success? Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. vol 37. issue 10 Pt 2. 2014-08-06. PMID:23999083. from animal models and human neuroimaging studies it has been proposed the integrative functions of auditory cortex are compromised by crossmodal plasticity. 2014-08-06 2023-08-12 human
C R Lyness, B Woll, R Campbell, V Cardi. How does visual language affect crossmodal plasticity and cochlear implant success? Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. vol 37. issue 10 Pt 2. 2014-08-06. PMID:23999083. crossmodal reorganisation of auditory cortex occurs regardless of compensatory strategies, such as sign language, used by the deaf person. 2014-08-06 2023-08-12 human
Yu-Ting Mao, Sarah L Palla. Cross-modal plasticity results in increased inhibition in primary auditory cortical areas. Neural plasticity. vol 2013. 2014-07-22. PMID:24288625. to determine whether inhibitory plasticity is responsible for this process, we measured pre- and postsynaptic changes in inhibitory connectivity in ferret auditory cortex (ac) after cross-modal plasticity. 2014-07-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yu-Ting Mao, Sarah L Palla. Cross-modal plasticity results in increased inhibition in primary auditory cortical areas. Neural plasticity. vol 2013. 2014-07-22. PMID:24288625. our findings imply that inhibitory plasticity may play a role in reorganizing sensory cortex after cross-modal invasion, suggesting clinical strategies for recovery after brain injury or sensory deprivation. 2014-07-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
Benjamin A Rowland, Wan Jiang, Barry E Stei. Brief cortical deactivation early in life has long-lasting effects on multisensory behavior. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 34. issue 21. 2014-07-11. PMID:24849354. the data from this animal model reveal a window of sensitivity within which association cortex mediates the encoding of cross-modal experience in the midbrain. 2014-07-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
Gregory D Scott, Christina M Karns, Mark W Dow, Courtney Stevens, Helen J Nevill. Enhanced peripheral visual processing in congenitally deaf humans is supported by multiple brain regions, including primary auditory cortex. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 8. 2014-04-11. PMID:24723877. in addition to reorganized auditory cortex (cross-modal plasticity), a second gap in our understanding is the contribution of altered modality-specific cortices (visual intramodal plasticity in this case), as well as supramodal and multisensory cortices, especially when target detection is required across contrasts. 2014-04-11 2023-08-13 human
Emily Petrus, Amal Isaiah, Adam P Jones, David Li, Hui Wang, Hey-Kyoung Lee, Patrick O Kanol. Crossmodal induction of thalamocortical potentiation leads to enhanced information processing in the auditory cortex. Neuron. vol 81. issue 3. 2014-04-04. PMID:24507197. crossmodal induction of thalamocortical potentiation leads to enhanced information processing in the auditory cortex. 2014-04-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Emily Petrus, Amal Isaiah, Adam P Jones, David Li, Hui Wang, Hey-Kyoung Lee, Patrick O Kanol. Crossmodal induction of thalamocortical potentiation leads to enhanced information processing in the auditory cortex. Neuron. vol 81. issue 3. 2014-04-04. PMID:24507197. because deafening potentiated tc synapses in v1, but not a1, crossmodal tc potentiation seems to be a general property of adult cortex. 2014-04-04 2023-08-12 Not clear