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Olena Ventskovska, Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen, Nina N Karpov. Spontaneous sleep-wake cycle and sleep deprivation differently induce Bdnf1, Bdnf4 and Bdnf9a DNA methylation and transcripts levels in the basal forebrain and frontal cortex in rats. Journal of sleep research. vol 24. issue 2. 2015-05-14. PMID:25223586. |
here we investigated whether 5-methylcytosine (5mc) dna modification at bdnf promoters p1, p4 and p9 influences bdnf1, bdnf4 and bdnf9a expression during the normal inactive phase or after sleep deprivation (sd) (3, 6 and 12 h, end-times being zt3, zt6 and zt12) in rats in two brain areas involved in sleep regulation, the basal forebrain and cortex. |
2015-05-14 |
2023-08-13 |
rat |
Junkang Jiang, Zhiqing Duan, Xiaoke Nie, Hanqing Xi, Aihong Li, Aisong Guo, Qiyun Wu, Shengyang Jiang, Jianya Zhao, Gang Che. Activation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) signaling pathway in 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-induced neurotoxicity. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology. vol 38. issue 1. 2015-04-13. PMID:24930124. |
moreover, in the brain cortex of sprague-dawley (sd) rats, nnos was also found to have certain relationship with tcdd-induced neuronal apoptosis. |
2015-04-13 |
2023-08-13 |
rat |
Renán Sánchez-Porras, Edgar Santos, Michael Schöll, Christian Stock, Zelong Zheng, Patrick Schiebel, Berk Orakcioglu, Andreas W Unterberg, Oliver W Sakowit. The effect of ketamine on optical and electrical characteristics of spreading depolarizations in gyrencephalic swine cortex. Neuropharmacology. vol 84. 2015-02-02. PMID:24796257. |
spreading depolarization (sd) is a wave of mass neuronal and glial depolarization that propagates across the cerebral cortex and has been implicated in the pathophysiology of brain injury states and migraine with aura. |
2015-02-02 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Cinzia Costa, Alessandro Tozzi, Innocenzo Rainero, Letizia Maria Cupini, Paolo Calabresi, Cenk Ayata, Paola Sarchiell. Cortical spreading depression as a target for anti-migraine agents. The journal of headache and pain. vol 14. 2014-05-12. PMID:23879550. |
spreading depression (sd) is a slowly propagating wave of neuronal and glial depolarization lasting a few minutes, that can develop within the cerebral cortex or other brain areas after electrical, mechanical or chemical depolarizing stimulations. |
2014-05-12 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Hannah E Thompson, Elizabeth Jefferie. Semantic control and modality: an input processing deficit in aphasia leading to deregulated semantic cognition in a single modality. Neuropsychologia. vol 51. issue 10. 2014-03-21. PMID:23851292. |
patients can (1) show amodal degradation of concepts within the semantic store itself, such as in semantic dementia (sd), (2) have difficulty in controlling activation within the semantic system and accessing appropriate knowledge in line with current goals or context, as in semantic aphasia (sa) and (3) experience a semantic deficit in only one modality following degraded input from sensory cortex. |
2014-03-21 |
2023-08-12 |
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Rashika N Karunasinghe, Janusz Lipsk. Oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD)-induced spreading depression in the Substantia Nigra. Brain research. vol 1527. 2014-03-14. PMID:23796781. |
although sd has been well characterized in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, little is known of this event in the substantia nigra (sn), a brainstem nucleus engaged in motor control and reward-related behavior. |
2014-03-14 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Jui-Lin Fan, Nicolas Bourdillon, Bengt Kayse. Effect of end-tidal CO2 clamping on cerebrovascular function, oxygenation, and performance during 15-km time trial cycling in severe normobaric hypoxia: the role of cerebral O2 delivery. Physiological reports. vol 1. issue 3. 2013-12-04. PMID:24303142. |
we measured petco2, middle cerebral artery velocity (mcav; index of cbf), prefrontal cerebral cortex oxygenation (cerebral o2hb; index of cerebral oxygenation), cerebral o2 delivery (do2), and leg muscle oxygenation (muscle o2hb) in 10 healthy men (age 27 ± 7 years; vo2max 63.3 ± 6.6 ml/kg/min; mean ± sd) during simulated 15-km time trial cycling (tt) in normoxia and hypoxia (fio2 = 0.10) with and without co2 clamping. |
2013-12-04 |
2023-08-12 |
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Katharina Eikermann-Haerter, Andrea Negro, Cenk Ayat. Spreading depression and the clinical correlates of migraine. Reviews in the neurosciences. vol 24. issue 4. 2013-11-19. PMID:23907418. |
in hyperexcitable fhm brains, sd may propagate between cortex and subcortical structures via permissive gray matter bridges, or originate de novo in subcortical structures, to explain unusual and severe aura signs and symptoms. |
2013-11-19 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
Sinéad L Mullally, Eleanor A Maguir. Exploring the role of space-defining objects in constructing and maintaining imagined scenes. Brain and cognition. vol 82. issue 1. 2013-10-21. PMID:23548838. |
it has recently been observed that certain objects, when viewed or imagined in isolation, evoke a strong sense of three-dimensional local space surrounding them (space-defining (sd) objects), while others do not (space-ambiguous (sa) objects), and this is associated with engagement of the parahippocampal cortex (phc). |
2013-10-21 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Zaher A Radi, Zachary S Stewart, Felicity A Grzemski, Walter F Bobrowsk. Renal pathophysiologic role of cortical tubular inclusion bodies. Toxicologic pathology. vol 41. issue 1. 2013-08-28. PMID:22700649. |
round eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed histologically in the tubular epithelial cells of the renal cortex in male and female sd rats given the nsri compound. |
2013-08-28 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
I S Samotaeva, N Tillmanns, G van Luijtelaar, L V Vinogradov. Intracortical microinjections may cause spreading depression and suppress absence seizures. Neuroscience. vol 230. 2013-07-01. PMID:23200788. |
however, it is known that mechanical injury of the cortex can induce spreading depression (sd), a wave of transient cellular depolarization. |
2013-07-01 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Mark A Eckert, Stephanie L Cute, Kenneth I Vaden, Stefanie E Kuchinsky, Judy R Dubn. Auditory cortex signs of age-related hearing loss. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO. vol 13. issue 5. 2013-04-04. PMID:22618352. |
this study of 49 older adults (m = 69.58, sd = 8.22 years; 29 female) was designed to examine the extent to which low and/or high frequency hearing loss was related to auditory cortex morphology. |
2013-04-04 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Yasuhisa Tamura, Asami Eguchi, Guanghua Jin, Mustafa M Sami, Yosky Kataok. Cortical spreading depression shifts cell fate determination of progenitor cells in the adult cortex. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. vol 32. issue 10. 2012-12-11. PMID:22781335. |
we have reported that cortical sd facilitates the proliferative activity of ng2-containing progenitor cells (ng2 cells) that give rise to oligodendrocytes and immature neurons under the physiological conditions in the adult mammalian cortex. |
2012-12-11 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Olof Lindberg, Eric Westman, Sari Karlsson, Per Ostberg, Leif A Svensson, Andrew Simmons, Lars-Olof Wahlun. Is the subcallosal medial prefrontal cortex a common site of atrophy in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration? Frontiers in aging neuroscience. vol 4. 2012-11-29. PMID:23189052. |
the volume of the smpc, dlpfc, ofc, hc, and entorhinal cortex (ec) were manually delineated for 12 subjects with frontotemporal dementia (ftd), 13 with semantic dementia (sd), 9 with progressive nonfluent aphasia (pnfa), 10 ad cases, and 13 controls. |
2012-11-29 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
L V Vinogradova, A B Shatskov. Lateral asymmetry of early seizure manifestations in experimental generalized epilepsy. Neuroscience. vol 213. 2012-10-16. PMID:22525136. |
both electrographic markers of ak, spreading depression (sd) and post-running afterdischarge, first appeared in the cortex ipsilateral to run direction, suggesting lateralized brainstem-to-forebrain seizure generalization during ak. |
2012-10-16 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
D M Hermann, G Mies, K A Hossman. Biochemical changes and gene expression following traumatic brain injury: Role of spreading depression. Restorative neurology and neuroscience. vol 14. issue 2. 2012-10-02. PMID:22387505. |
in injured animals without sd, only a short-lasting response of c-fos, junb, c-jun and mkp-1 mrnas as well as c-fos protein was bilaterally found in the piri-form cortex, and - with ipsilateral dominance - the dentate gyrus and hippocampal ca3/4 fields at 1 h after lesioning. |
2012-10-02 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Xiao-hui Lai, Gang Xu, Wen-mei Zhu, Guang-gu Yua. [Effect of the Ca2+ -activated K+ channel in veratridine-induced cortex neurons damage]. Zhongguo ying yong sheng li xue za zhi = Zhongguo yingyong shenglixue zazhi = Chinese journal of applied physiology. vol 21. issue 2. 2012-08-09. PMID:21171324. |
to observe the effects of ca2+ -activated k+ channel of primary cultured fetal sd rat cortex neurons in the veratridine triggered neuronal damage. |
2012-08-09 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Minyan Wang, Paul L Chazot, Sura Ali, Stevens F Duckett, Tihomir P Obrenovitc. Effects of NMDA receptor antagonists with different subtype selectivities on retinal spreading depression. British journal of pharmacology. vol 165. issue 1. 2012-06-05. PMID:21699507. |
spreading depression (sd) is a local, temporary disruption of cellular ionic homeostasis that propagates slowly across the cerebral cortex and other neural tissues such as the retina. |
2012-06-05 |
2023-08-12 |
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Yunglin Gazes, Brian C Rakitin, Jason Steffener, Christian Habeck, Sarah H Lisanby, Brady Butterfield, Robert C Basner, Claude Ghez, Yaakov Ster. Dual-tasking alleviated sleep deprivation disruption in visuomotor tracking: an fMRI study. Brain and cognition. vol 78. issue 3. 2012-06-04. PMID:22305924. |
despite an overall reduced activation post sd, greater activation difference between targets and non-targets was found post sd in task-related regions, such as the left cerebellum, the left somatosensory cortex, the left extrastriate cortex, bilateral precuneus, the left middle frontal gyrus, and the left motor cortex. |
2012-06-04 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Kristina Simonyan, Christy L Ludlo. Abnormal structure-function relationship in spasmodic dysphonia. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 22. issue 2. 2012-05-07. PMID:21666131. |
sd patients had increased gmv, ct, and brain activation in key structures of the speech control system, including the laryngeal sensorimotor cortex, inferior frontal gyrus (ifg), superior/middle temporal and supramarginal gyri, and in a structure commonly abnormal in other primary dystonias, the cerebellum. |
2012-05-07 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |