All Relations between Ataxia and atm

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Ya-Ling Hsu, Chun-Chieh Chia, Ping-Jye Chen, Su-Er Huang, Soon-Cen Huang, Po-Lin Ku. Shallot and licorice constituent isoliquiritigenin arrests cell cycle progression and induces apoptosis through the induction of ATM/p53 and initiation of the mitochondrial system in human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells. Molecular nutrition & food research. vol 53. issue 7. 2009-10-22. PMID:19536869. blockade of cell cycle is associated with increased activation of ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm). 2009-10-22 2023-08-12 human
Yongjiang Li, Emma Bolderson, Rakesh Kumar, Parameswary A Muniandy, Yutong Xue, Derek J Richard, Michael Seidman, Tej K Pandita, Kum Kum Khanna, Weidong Wan. HSSB1 and hSSB2 form similar multiprotein complexes that participate in DNA damage response. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 284. issue 35. 2009-10-19. PMID:19605351. hssb1 (human single strand dna-binding protein 1) has been shown to participate in homologous recombination (hr)-dependent repair of dna double strand breaks (dsbs) and ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm)-mediated checkpoint pathways. 2009-10-19 2023-08-12 human
Amy Wang, Douglas C Wolf, Banalata Sen, Geremy W Knapp, Steven D Holladay, William R Huckle, Thomas Caceci, John L Robertso. Dimethylarsinic acid in drinking water changed the morphology of urinary bladder but not the expression of DNA repair genes of bladder transitional epithelium in F344 rats. Toxicologic pathology. vol 37. issue 4. 2009-09-03. PMID:19387086. real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (real-time rt pcr) showed the mrna levels of tested dna repair genes, ataxia telangectasia mutant (atm), x-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 (xrcc1), excision repair cross-complementing group 3/xeroderma pigmentosum b (ercc3/xpb), and dna polymerase beta (polbeta), were not altered by dma(v). 2009-09-03 2023-08-12 rat
Yang Zhao, Xue-qun Chen, Ji-zeng D. Cellular adaptation to hypoxia and p53 transcription regulation. Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B. vol 10. issue 5. 2009-07-22. PMID:19434769. one, involving ataxia telangiectasia-mutated protein (atm), is that the interaction between p53 and its down-regulation factor murine double minute 2 (mdm2) decreases, leading to p53 phosphorylation on ser15, as determined by the post-translational mechanism; the other holds that p53 increases and is activated through the binding of ribosomal protein l26 (rpl26) or nucleolin to p53 mrna 5( untranslated region (utr), regulating p53 translation. 2009-07-22 2023-08-12 human
Ayumi Kudoh, Satoko Iwahori, Yoshitaka Sato, Sanae Nakayama, Hiroki Isomura, Takayuki Murata, Tatsuya Tsurum. Homologous recombinational repair factors are recruited and loaded onto the viral DNA genome in Epstein-Barr virus replication compartments. Journal of virology. vol 83. issue 13. 2009-06-18. PMID:19386720. the induction of epstein-barr virus (ebv) lytic replication induces ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm)-dependent dna damage checkpoint signaling, leading to the clustering of phosphorylated atm and mre11/rad50/nbs1 (mrn) complexes to sites of viral genome synthesis in nuclei. 2009-06-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
Daniela Volonte, Beth Kahkonen, Steven Shapiro, Yuanpu Di, Ferruccio Galbiat. Caveolin-1 expression is required for the development of pulmonary emphysema through activation of the ATM-p53-p21 pathway. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 284. issue 9. 2009-05-11. PMID:19103597. here, we show that caveolin-1 activates ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) after oxidative stress by sequestering the atm inhibitor, the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2a, into caveolar membranes. 2009-05-11 2023-08-12 human
Sandeep Misri, Shruti Pandita, Tej K Pandit. Detecting ATM-dependent chromatin modification in DNA damage and heat shock response. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). vol 523. 2009-05-06. PMID:19381924. the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated gene product (atm), whose loss of function is responsible for ataxia telangiectasia (a-t), is a protein kinase that interacts with several substrates and is implicated in mitogenic signal transduction, chromosome condensation, meiotic recombination, cell-cycle control and telomere maintenance (pandita, expert reviews in molecular medicine 5:1-21, 2003; pandita, oncogene 21:611-618, 2002; matsuoka et al., science 316:1160-1166, 2007). 2009-05-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
Natalie B Collins, James B Wilson, Thomas Bush, Andrei Thomashevski, Kate J Roberts, Nigel J Jones, Gary M Kupfe. ATR-dependent phosphorylation of FANCA on serine 1449 after DNA damage is important for FA pathway function. Blood. vol 113. issue 10. 2009-04-29. PMID:19109555. the dna damage response is coordinated by phosphorylation events initiated by apical kinases atm (ataxia telangectasia mutated) and atr (atm and rad3-related), and atr is essential for proper fa pathway function. 2009-04-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Monika Podhoreck. [gamma H2AX in the recognition of DNA double-strand breaks]. Postepy higieny i medycyny doswiadczalnej (Online). vol 63. 2009-04-23. PMID:19252467. h2ax is phosphorylated by members of phosphoinositide 3-kinase-related protein kinases (pikks), such as atm (ataxia teleangiectasia mutated), which is the main mediator of h2ax phosphorylation in response to dsb induction. 2009-04-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Narendra Tuteja, Parvaiz Ahmad, Brahma B Panda, Renu Tutej. Genotoxic stress in plants: shedding light on DNA damage, repair and DNA repair helicases. Mutation research. vol 681. issue 2-3. 2009-04-15. PMID:18652913. ddr requires the activation of ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) and rad3-related (atr) genes, which regulate the cell cycle and transmit the damage signals to downstream effectors of cell-cycle progression. 2009-04-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
Beth A Helmink, Andrea L Bredemeyer, Baeck-Seung Lee, Ching-Yu Huang, Girdhar G Sharma, Laura M Walker, Jeffrey J Bednarski, Wan-Ling Lee, Tej K Pandita, Craig H Bassing, Barry P Sleckma. MRN complex function in the repair of chromosomal Rag-mediated DNA double-strand breaks. The Journal of experimental medicine. vol 206. issue 3. 2009-04-02. PMID:19221393. during hr, the mrn complex functions directly in the repair of dna dsbs and in the initiation of dsb responses through activation of the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) serine-threonine kinase. 2009-04-02 2023-08-12 mouse
Anastasia R Demidova, Mei Yee Aau, Li Zhuang, Qiang Y. Dual regulation of Cdc25A by Chk1 and p53-ATF3 in DNA replication checkpoint control. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 284. issue 7. 2009-03-31. PMID:19060337. a systematic screening of the protein kinase small interfering rna library reveals that chk1 and ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) and rad3-related (atr) are the main kinases responsible for intra-s-phase checkpoint upon topoisomerase i inhibitor camptothecin-induced dna damage. 2009-03-31 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jiejin Li, Ian A Taylor, Janette Lloyd, Julie A Clapperton, Steven Howell, Derek MacMillan, Stephen J Smerdo. Chk2 oligomerization studied by phosphopeptide ligation: implications for regulation and phosphodependent interactions. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 283. issue 51. 2009-02-12. PMID:18948271. phosphorylation by ataxia telangiectasia-mutated kinase (atm) promotes chk2 self-association, autophosphorylation, and activation. 2009-02-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Parvin Mehdipour, Laleh Habibi, Javad Mohammadi-Asl, Naser Kamalian, Masoud Mehr Azi. Three-hit hypothesis in astrocytoma: tracing the polymorphism D1853N in ATM gene through a pedigree of the proband affected with primary brain tumor. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology. vol 134. issue 11. 2009-01-27. PMID:18465141. ataxia telangictasia mutated (atm) is involved in dna repair pathway and cell-cycle checkpoints. 2009-01-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Marcella Renis, Laura Calandra, Christian Scifo, Barbara Tomasello, Venera Cardile, Luca Vanella, Roberto Bei, Luca La Fauci, Fabio Galvan. Response of cell cycle/stress-related protein expression and DNA damage upon treatment of CaCo2 cells with anthocyanins. The British journal of nutrition. vol 100. issue 1. 2009-01-19. PMID:18053307. the effect on cell growth, reactive oxygen species (ros) formation and cell cycle/stress proteins modification, including ataxia teleangectasia mutated protein (atm), p53, p21, 8-oxoguanine dna glycosylase (ogg1), 70 kda heat shock protein (hsp70) and topoisomerase iibeta, as well as on dna fragmentation, was determined. 2009-01-19 2023-08-12 human
Wen-Cheng Chou, Hui-Chun Wang, Fen-Hwa Wong, Shian-ling Ding, Pei-Ei Wu, Sheau-Yann Shieh, Chen-Yang She. Chk2-dependent phosphorylation of XRCC1 in the DNA damage response promotes base excision repair. The EMBO journal. vol 27. issue 23. 2008-12-22. PMID:18971944. ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm)-checkpoint kinase 2 (chk2) and atm- and rad3-related (atr)-chk1, triggered, respectively, by dna double-strand breaks and blocked replication forks, are two major ddrs processing structurally complicated dna damage. 2008-12-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
R T Hagelstrom, K F Askin, A J Williams, L Ramaiah, C Desaintes, E H Goodwin, R L Ullrich, S M Baile. DNA-PKcs and ATM influence generation of ionizing radiation-induced bystander signals. Oncogene. vol 27. issue 53. 2008-12-10. PMID:18679419. we find that dna-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (dna-pkcs) and ataxia telangectasia mutated (atm) are necessary for the generation of such a bystander signal in normal human cells following gamma (gamma)-ray exposure, but are not required for its reception. 2008-12-10 2023-08-12 human
Melli Mahmoudi, Isabelle Gorenne, John Mercer, Nicola Figg, Trevor Littlewood, Martin Bennet. Statins use a novel Nijmegen breakage syndrome-1-dependent pathway to accelerate DNA repair in vascular smooth muscle cells. Circulation research. vol 103. issue 7. 2008-10-27. PMID:18723444. we show that human atherosclerotic plaque vsmcs exhibit increased levels of double-stranded dna breaks and basal activation of dna repair pathways involving ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) and the histone h2ax in vivo and in vitro. 2008-10-27 2023-08-12 human
M Schrauder, S Frank, P L Strissel, M P Lux, M R Bani, C Rauh, C C Sieber, K Heusinger, A Hartmann, R Schulz-Wendtland, R Strick, M W Beckmann, Peter A Faschin. Single nucleotide polymorphism D1853N of the ATM gene may alter the risk for breast cancer. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology. vol 134. issue 8. 2008-10-14. PMID:18264724. various atm (ataxia telangiectasia-mutated) mutations and polymorphisms have been reported to be associated with an increased breast cancer risk. 2008-10-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Motoko Sasaki, Hiroko Ikeda, Yasunori Sato, Yasuni Nakanum. Proinflammatory cytokine-induced cellular senescence of biliary epithelial cells is mediated via oxidative stress and activation of ATM pathway: a culture study. Free radical research. vol 42. issue 7. 2008-09-18. PMID:18608517. this study investigated the involvement of proinflammatory cytokines (ifn-beta, ifn-gamma and tnf-alpha) and ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm)/p53/ p21(waf1/cip1) pathway with respect to oxidative stress in cellular senescence of becs. 2008-09-18 2023-08-12 Not clear