All Relations between Ataxia and atm

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Chelsey C Spriggs, Laimonis A Laimin. FANCD2 Binds Human Papillomavirus Genomes and Associates with a Distinct Set of DNA Repair Proteins to Regulate Viral Replication. mBio. vol 8. issue 1. 2017-07-21. PMID:28196964. replication of high-risk hpvs requires the activation of the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) and atm and rad3-related (atr) dna repair pathways. 2017-07-21 2023-08-13 human
Andrea Sau, Rosanna Lau, Miguel A Cabrita, Emma Nolan, Peter A Crooks, Jane E Visvader, M A Christine Prat. Persistent Activation of NF-κB in BRCA1-Deficient Mammary Progenitors Drives Aberrant Proliferation and Accumulation of DNA Damage. Cell stem cell. vol 19. issue 1. 2017-07-19. PMID:27292187. hormone-independent luminal progenitor colony formation required nf-κb, ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm), and the inhibitor of kappab kinase, ikkα. 2017-07-19 2023-08-13 mouse
Nozomi Tomimatsu, Bipasha Mukherjee, Janelle Louise Harris, Francesca Ludovica Boffo, Molly Catherine Hardebeck, Patrick Ryan Potts, Kum Kum Khanna, Sandeep Burm. DNA-damage-induced degradation of EXO1 exonuclease limits DNA end resection to ensure accurate DNA repair. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 292. issue 26. 2017-07-06. PMID:28515316. activation of dna end resection involves phosphorylation of the 5' to 3' exonuclease exo1 by the phosphoinositide 3-kinase-like kinases atm (ataxia telangiectasia-mutated) and atr (atm and rad3-related) and by the cyclin-dependent kinases 1 and 2. 2017-07-06 2023-08-13 human
Laura L Daniel, Stephanie L C Scofield, Patsy Thrasher, Suman Dalal, Christopher R Daniels, Cerrone R Foster, Mahipal Singh, Krishna Sing. Ataxia telangiectasia-mutated kinase deficiency exacerbates left ventricular dysfunction and remodeling late after myocardial infarction. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. vol 311. issue 2. 2017-06-26. PMID:27288435. ataxia telangiectasia-mutated kinase (atm), a cell cycle checkpoint protein, is activated in response to dna damage and oxidative stress. 2017-06-26 2023-08-13 mouse
Ujjal Das, Krishnendu Manna, Amitava Khan, Mahuya Sinha, Sushobhan Biswas, Aaveri Sengupta, Anindita Chakraborty, Sanjit De. Ferulic acid (FA) abrogates γ-radiation induced oxidative stress and DNA damage by up-regulating nuclear translocation of Nrf2 and activation of NHEJ pathway. Free radical research. vol 51. issue 1. 2017-03-07. PMID:28074659. ros enhanced nuclear translocation of p53, activated atm (ataxia telangiectasia-mutated protein), increased expression of gadd45a (growth arrest and dna-damage-inducible protein) gene and inactivated non homologous end joining (nhej) repair pathway. 2017-03-07 2023-08-13 mouse
Yang Jiao, Sai Ma, Yirong Wang, Jing Li, Lequn Shan, Jinlong Sun, Jihua Che. Methacryloxylethyl Cetyl Ammonium Chloride Induces DNA Damage and Apoptosis in Human Dental Pulp Cells via Generation of Oxidative Stress. International journal of biological sciences. vol 12. issue 5. 2017-01-17. PMID:27143955. such oxidative dna damage thus triggers the activation of ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) signaling, the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, and destruction of mitochondrial morphology and function. 2017-01-17 2023-08-13 human
Mohammad Abu-Odeh, Nyla A Hereema, Rami I Aqeila. WWOX modulates the ATR-mediated DNA damage checkpoint response. Oncotarget. vol 7. issue 4. 2016-11-01. PMID:26675548. at the molecular level, we show that upon ssbs wwox is modified at lysine 274 by ubiquitination mediated by the ubiquitin e3 ligase itch and interacts with ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm). 2016-11-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
HaiYang Wang, YiBo Luo, Ming-Hui Zhao, ZiLi Lin, Jeongwoo Kwon, Xiang-Shun Cui, Nam-Hyung Ki. DNA double-strand breaks disrupted the spindle assembly in porcine oocytes. Molecular reproduction and development. vol 83. issue 2. 2016-10-31. PMID:26642846. oocytes with low levels of dsbs failed to effectively activate ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) kinase, while those with severe dna dsbs failed to activate checkpoint kinase 1 (chk1)--the two regulators of the dna damage response pathway--indicating that porcine oocytes lack an efficient g2/m phase checkpoint. 2016-10-31 2023-08-13 Not clear
Lijs Beke, Cenk Kig, Joannes T M Linders, Shannah Boens, An Boeckx, Erika van Heerde, Marc Parade, An De Bondt, Ilse Van den Wyngaert, Tarig Bashir, Souichi Ogata, Lieven Meerpoel, Aleyde Van Eynde, Christopher N Johnson, Monique Beullens, Dirk Brehmer, Mathieu Bolle. MELK-T1, a small-molecule inhibitor of protein kinase MELK, decreases DNA-damage tolerance in proliferating cancer cells. Bioscience reports. vol 35. issue 6. 2016-09-06. PMID:26431963. this phenotype correlated with a rapid and long-lasting ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) activation and phosphorylation of checkpoint kinase 2 (chk2). 2016-09-06 2023-08-13 Not clear
Keizo Misumi, Jiying Sun, Aiko Kinomura, Yoshihiro Miyata, Morihito Okada, Satoshi Tashir. Enhanced gefitinib-induced repression of the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway by ataxia telangiectasia-mutated kinase inhibition in non-small-cell lung cancer cells. Cancer science. vol 107. issue 4. 2016-08-25. PMID:26825989. to enhance the anticancer effects of egfr-tkis, we examined the cross-talk of the egfr pathways with ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) signaling pathways. 2016-08-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Yuyu Zhang, Ziling Liu, Mengmeng Wang, Huimin Tian, Keju Su, Jiuwei Cui, Lihua Dong, Fujun Ha. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism rs1801516 in Ataxia Telangiectasia-Mutated Gene Predicts Late Fibrosis in Cancer Patients After Radiotherapy: A PRISMA-Compliant Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Medicine. vol 95. issue 14. 2016-08-25. PMID:27057881. studies on associations between ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) polymorphisms and late radiotherapy-induced adverse events vary in clinical settings, and the results are inconsistent.we conducted the first meta-analysis following preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (prisma) guidelines to investigate the role of the atm polymorphism rs1801516 in the development of radiotherapy-induced late fibrosis.we searched pubmed, embase, web of science, and chinese national knowledge infrastructure databases to identify studies that investigated the effect of the atm polymorphism rs1801516 on radiotherapy-induced late fibrosis before september 8, 2015. 2016-08-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Hyun Gyu Lee, Hyemi Kim, Eun Jung Kim, Pil-Gu Park, Seung Myung Dong, Tae Hyun Choi, Hyunki Kim, Curtis R Chong, Jun O Liu, Jianmeng Chen, Richard F Ambinder, S Diane Hayward, Jeon Han Park, Jae Myun Le. Targeted therapy for Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric carcinoma using low-dose gemcitabine-induced lytic activation. Oncotarget. vol 6. issue 31. 2016-08-08. PMID:26427042. gemcitabine was found to be a lytic inducer via activation of the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm)/p53 genotoxic stress pathway in ebvagc. 2016-08-08 2023-08-13 mouse
Sara Chavoshi, Olga Egorova, Ira Kay Lacdao, Sahar Farhadi, Yi Sheng, Vivian Saridaki. Identification of Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV) vIRF1 Protein as a Novel Interaction Partner of Human Deubiquitinase USP7. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 291. issue 12. 2016-08-08. PMID:26786098. decreased levels of p53, but not hdm2 or ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm), were seen after expression of virf1, but not with a virf1 mutant protein. 2016-08-08 2023-08-13 human
Haley M Simpson, Rashid Z Khan, Chang Song, Deva Sharma, Kavitha Sadashivaiah, Aki Furusawa, Xinyue Liu, Sushma Nagaraj, Naomi Sengamalay, Lisa Sadzewicz, Luke J Tallon, Qing C Chen, Ferenc Livak, Aaron P Rapoport, Amy Kimball, Arnob Banerje. Concurrent Mutations in ATM and Genes Associated with Common γ Chain Signaling in Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma. PloS one. vol 10. issue 11. 2016-06-21. PMID:26536348. we observed somatic mutations in atm (ataxia telangiectasia-mutated) in 5 out of the 12 samples and mutations in the common gamma chain (γc) signaling pathway (jak3, il2rg, stat5b) in 3 samples, all of which also harbored mutations in atm. 2016-06-21 2023-08-13 Not clear
Daitoku Sakamuro, Watson P Folk, Alpana Kumar. To die, or not to die: E2F1 never decides by itself during serum starvation. Molecular & cellular oncology. vol 2. issue 2. 2016-06-16. PMID:27308445. after dna damage, e2f1 is phosphorylated by ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) kinase to promote apoptosis. 2016-06-16 2023-08-13 Not clear
Idit Hazan, Mohammad Abu-Odeh, Thomas G Hofmann, Rami I Aqeila. WWOX guards genome stability by activating ATM. Molecular & cellular oncology. vol 2. issue 4. 2016-06-16. PMID:27308504. recent evidence, however, implies that in the wake of dna damage, ww domain-containing oxidoreductase (wwox, the gene product of the fra16d fragile site), associates with ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) and regulates its activation to maintain genomic integrity. 2016-06-16 2023-08-13 Not clear
D T Warren, T Tajsic, L J Porter, R M Minaisah, A Cobb, A Jacob, D Rajgor, Q P Zhang, C M Shanaha. Nesprin-2-dependent ERK1/2 compartmentalisation regulates the DNA damage response in vascular smooth muscle cell ageing. Cell death and differentiation. vol 22. issue 9. 2016-06-02. PMID:25744025. the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (erk1/2) have emerged as key players in the ddr and are known to enhance ataxia telangiectasia-mutated protein (atm) activity at dna lesions, and in this study, we identified a novel relationship between prelamin a accumulation and erk1/2 nuclear compartmentalisation during vsmc ageing. 2016-06-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
Laura Levi, Tatsushi Toyooka, Manuel Patarroyo, Teresa Frisa. Bacterial genotoxins promote inside-out integrin β1 activation, formation of focal adhesion complexes and cell spreading. PloS one. vol 10. issue 4. 2016-04-26. PMID:25874996. these toxins induce dna strand breaks in the target cells and activate the dna damage response (ddr), coordinated by the ataxia telangectasia mutated (atm) kinase. 2016-04-26 2023-08-13 Not clear
Huibin Yang, Phillip L Palmbos, Lidong Wang, Evelyn H Kim, Gina M Ney, Chao Liu, Jayendra Prasad, David E Misek, Xiaochun Yu, Mats Ljungman, Diane M Simeon. ATDC (Ataxia Telangiectasia Group D Complementing) Promotes Radioresistance through an Interaction with the RNF8 Ubiquitin Ligase. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 290. issue 45. 2016-04-22. PMID:26381412. it participates in the dna damage response downstream of ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) and p38/mk2 and promotes cell survival after ir. 2016-04-22 2023-08-13 Not clear
Ronan Russell, Lukas Perkhofer, Stefan Liebau, Qiong Lin, André Lechel, Fenja M Feld, Elisabeth Hessmann, Jochen Gaedcke, Melanie Güthle, Martin Zenke, Daniel Hartmann, Guido von Figura, Stephanie E Weissinger, Karl-Lenhard Rudolph, Peter Möller, Jochen K Lennerz, Thomas Seufferlein, Martin Wagner, Alexander Klege. Loss of ATM accelerates pancreatic cancer formation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Nature communications. vol 6. 2016-04-15. PMID:26220524. pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (pdac) is associated with accumulation of particular oncogenic mutations and recent genetic sequencing studies have identified ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (atm) mutations in pdac cohorts. 2016-04-15 2023-08-13 mouse