All Relations between cd and matrix compartment
Publication | Sentence | Publish Date | Extraction Date | Species |
Roozbeh Mirza, Mazaher Moeinaddini, Shrareh Pourebrahim, Mohammad Ali Zahe. Contamination, ecological risk and source identification of metals by multivariate analysis in surface sediments of the khouran Straits, the Persian Gulf. Marine pollution bulletin. vol 145. 2019-12-17. PMID:31590820. | pearson correlation matrix combined with multivariate principal component analysis and cluster analysis suggest that cd and pb originated from anthropogenic sources, whereas fe, cu, zn, ni, v and cr mostly originated both from natural processes and human activities with predominant anthropogenic influence in the investigated ecosystem. | 2019-12-17 | 2023-08-13 | human |
Shameer J Mehta, Amy Lewis, Anke Nijhuis, Rosemary Jeffery, Paolo Biancheri, Antonio Di Sabatino, Roger Feakins, Andrew Silver, James Oliver Lindsa. Epithelial down-regulation of the miR-200 family in fibrostenosing Crohn's disease is associated with features of epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine. vol 22. issue 11. 2019-12-09. PMID:30188001. | intestinal mesenchymal cells deposit extracellular matrix in fibrotic crohn's disease (cd). | 2019-12-09 | 2023-08-13 | Not clear |
M Ablikim, M N Achasov, P Adlarson, S Ahmed, M Albrecht, M Alekseev, A Amoroso, F F An, Q An, Y Bai, O Bakina, R Baldini Ferroli, I Balossino, Y Ban, K Begzsuren, J V Bennett, N Berger, M Bertani, D Bettoni, F Bianchi, J Biernat, J Bloms, I Boyko, R A Briere, H Cai, X Cai, A Calcaterra, G F Cao, N Cao, S A Cetin, J Chai, J F Chang, W L Chang, G Chelkov, D Y Chen, G Chen, H S Chen, J C Chen, M L Chen, S J Chen, Y B Chen, W Cheng, G Cibinetto, F Cossio, X F Cui, H L Dai, J P Dai, X C Dai, A Dbeyssi, D Dedovich, Z Y Deng, A Denig, I Denysenko, M Destefanis, F De Mori, Y Ding, C Dong, J Dong, L Y Dong, M Y Dong, Z L Dou, S X Du, J Z Fan, J Fang, S S Fang, Y Fang, R Farinelli, L Fava, F Feldbauer, G Felici, C Q Feng, M Fritsch, C D Fu, Y Fu, Q Gao, X L Gao, Y Gao, Y Gao, Y G Gao, Z Gao, B Garillon, I Garzia, E M Gersabeck, A Gilman, K Goetzen, L Gong, W X Gong, W Gradl, M Greco, L M Gu, M H Gu, S Gu, Y T Gu, A Q Guo, L B Guo, R P Guo, Y P Guo, A Guskov, S Han, X Q Hao, F A Harris, K L He, F H Heinsius, T Held, Y K Heng, M Himmelreich, Y R Hou, Z L Hou, H M Hu, J F Hu, T Hu, Y Hu, G S Huang, J S Huang, X T Huang, X Z Huang, N Huesken, T Hussain, W Ikegami Andersson, W Imoehl, M Irshad, Q Ji, Q P Ji, X B Ji, X L Ji, H L Jiang, X S Jiang, X Y Jiang, J B Jiao, Z Jiao, D P Jin, S Jin, Y Jin, T Johansson, N Kalantar-Nayestanaki, X S Kang, R Kappert, M Kavatsyuk, B C Ke, I K Keshk, A Khoukaz, P Kiese, R Kiuchi, R Kliemt, L Koch, O B Kolcu, B Kopf, M Kuemmel, M Kuessner, A Kupsc, M Kurth, M G Kurth, W Kühn, J S Lange, P Larin, L Lavezzi, H Leithoff, T Lenz, C Li, Cheng Li, D M Li, F Li, F Y Li, G Li, H B Li, H J Li, J C Li, J W Li, Ke Li, L K Li, Lei Li, P L Li, P R Li, Q Y Li, W D Li, W G Li, X H Li, X L Li, X N Li, Z B Li, Z Y Li, H Liang, H Liang, Y F Liang, Y T Liang, G R Liao, L Z Liao, J Libby, C X Lin, D X Lin, Y J Lin, B Liu, B J Liu, C X Liu, D Liu, D Y Liu, F H Liu, Fang Liu, Feng Liu, H B Liu, H M Liu, Huanhuan Liu, Huihui Liu, J B Liu, J Y Liu, K Y Liu, Ke Liu, L Y Liu, Q Liu, S B Liu, T Liu, X Liu, X Y Liu, Y B Liu, Z A Liu, Zhiqing Liu, Y F Long, X C Lou, H J Lu, J D Lu, J G Lu, Y Lu, Y P Lu, C L Luo, M X Luo, P W Luo, T Luo, X L Luo, S Lusso, X R Lyu, F C Ma, H L Ma, L L Ma, M M Ma, Q M Ma, X N Ma, X X Ma, X Y Ma, Y M Ma, F E Maas, M Maggiora, S Maldaner, S Malde, Q A Malik, A Mangoni, Y J Mao, Z P Mao, S Marcello, Z X Meng, J G Messchendorp, G Mezzadri, J Min, T J Min, R E Mitchell, X H Mo, Y J Mo, C Morales Morales, N Yu Muchnoi, H Muramatsu, A Mustafa, S Nakhoul, Y Nefedov, F Nerling, I B Nikolaev, Z Ning, S Nisar, S L Niu, S L Olsen, Q Ouyang, S Pacetti, Y Pan, M Papenbrock, P Patteri, M Pelizaeus, H P Peng, K Peters, J Pettersson, J L Ping, R G Ping, A Pitka, R Poling, V Prasad, H R Qi, M Qi, T Y Qi, S Qian, C F Qiao, N Qin, X P Qin, X S Qin, Z H Qin, J F Qiu, S Q Qu, K H Rashid, K Ravindran, C F Redmer, M Richter, A Rivetti, V Rodin, M Rolo, G Rong, Ch Rosner, M Rump, A Sarantsev, M Savrié, Y Schelhaas, K Schoenning, W Shan, X Y Shan, M Shao, C P Shen, P X Shen, X Y Shen, H Y Sheng, X Shi, X D Shi, J J Song, Q Q Song, X Y Song, S Sosio, C Sowa, S Spataro, F F Sui, G X Sun, J F Sun, L Sun, S S Sun, X H Sun, Y J Sun, Y K Sun, Y Z Sun, Z J Sun, Z T Sun, Y T Tan, C J Tang, G Y Tang, X Tang, V Thoren, B Tsednee, I Uman, B Wang, B L Wang, C W Wang, D Y Wang, K Wang, L L Wang, L S Wang, M Wang, M Z Wang, Meng Wang, P L Wang, R M Wang, W P Wang, X Wang, X F Wang, X L Wang, Y Wang, Y Wang, Y F Wang, Z Wang, Z G Wang, Z Y Wang, Zongyuan Wang, T Weber, D H Wei, P Weidenkaff, H W Wen, S P Wen, U Wiedner, G Wilkinson, M Wolke, L H Wu, L J Wu, Z Wu, L Xia, Y Xia, S Y Xiao, Y J Xiao, Z J Xiao, Y G Xie, Y H Xie, T Y Xing, X A Xiong, Q L Xiu, G F Xu, J J Xu, L Xu, Q J Xu, W Xu, X P Xu, F Yan, L Yan, W B Yan, W C Yan, Y H Yan, H J Yang, H X Yang, L Yang, R X Yang, S L Yang, Y H Yang, Y X Yang, Yifan Yang, Z Q Yang, M Ye, M H Ye, J H Yin, Z Y You, B X Yu, C X Yu, J S Yu, T Yu, C Z Yuan, X Q Yuan, Y Yuan, A Yuncu, A A Zafar, Y Zeng, B X Zhang, B Y Zhang, C C Zhang, D H Zhang, H H Zhang, H Y Zhang, J Zhang, J L Zhang, J Q Zhang, J W Zhang, J Y Zhang, J Z Zhang, K Zhang, L Zhang, S F Zhang, T J Zhang, X Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y H Zhang, Y T Zhang, Yang Zhang, Yao Zhang, Yi Zhang, Yu Zhang, Z H Zhang, Z P Zhang, Z Y Zhang, G Zhao, J W Zhao, J Y Zhao, J Z Zhao, Lei Zhao, Ling Zhao, M G Zhao, Q Zhao, S J Zhao, T C Zhao, Y B Zhao, Z G Zhao, A Zhemchugov, B Zheng, J P Zheng, Y Zheng, Y H Zheng, B Zhong, L Zhou, L P Zhou, Q Zhou, X Zhou, X K Zhou, X R Zhou, Xiaoyu Zhou, Xu Zhou, A N Zhu, J Zhu, J Zhu, K Zhu, K J Zhu, S H Zhu, W J Zhu, X L Zhu, Y C Zhu, Y S Zhu, Z A Zhu, J Zhuang, B S Zou, J H Zo. Observation of the Leptonic Decay D^{+}→τ^{+}ν_{τ}. Physical review letters. vol 123. issue 21. 2019-12-09. PMID:31809130. | using external inputs, our results give values for the d^{+} decay constant f_{d^{+}} and the cabibbo-kobayashi-maskawa matrix element |v_{cd}| that are consistent with, but less precise than, other determinations. | 2019-12-09 | 2023-08-13 | Not clear |
M S ShyleshChandran, E V Ramasamy, Mahesh Mohan, Sruthi S N, K K Jayasooryan, Toms Augustine, Kannan Moha. Distribution and risk assessment of trace metals in multifarious matrices of Vembanad Lake system, Peninsular India. Marine pollution bulletin. vol 145. 2019-12-06. PMID:31590815. | the present study mainly focuses on the spatial and temporal distribution, occurrence and toxicity of five trace metals (hg, cd, zn, cu and pb) in water and sediment matrix of vembanad lake system (vls), india. | 2019-12-06 | 2023-08-13 | human |
Subramani Karthikeyan, Ganesan Bharanidharan, Sriram Ragavan, Saravanan Kandasamy, Shanmugavel Chinnathambi, Kanniyappan Udayakumar, Rajendiran Mangaiyarkarasi, Anandh Sundaramoorthy, Prakasarao Aruna, Singaravelu Ganesa. Comparative Binding Analysis of N-Acetylneuraminic Acid in Bovine Serum Albumin and Human α-1 Acid Glycoprotein. Journal of chemical information and modeling. vol 59. issue 1. 2019-12-03. PMID:30481010. | the ft-ir, excitation-emission matrix and circular dichroism (cd) analysis confirms the presence of nana in the hag, bsa system, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis shows that nana transfers energy between the hag and bsa system. | 2019-12-03 | 2023-08-13 | human |
Zhipeng Guo, Yani Gao, Xinlong Cao, Wenbo Jiang, Xv Liu, Qian Liu, Zhao Chen, Wennan Zhou, Jian Cui, Quanzhen Wan. Phytoremediation of Cd and Pb interactive polluted soils by switchgrass ( International journal of phytoremediation. vol 21. issue 14. 2019-11-25. PMID:31342773. | this study used an orthogonal matrix experimental design with three factors (cd, pb, and ph) and five levels (cd at 9.45, 30, 60, 90, and 110.46 µg/g; pb at 195.4, 400, 700, 1000, and 1204.6 µg/g; and ph at 3, 4.1, 5.8, 7.5, and 8.6) to investigate the phytoremediation potential of | 2019-11-25 | 2023-08-13 | Not clear |
Fawzy, Red. The Sextic Centrifugal Distortion Terms for an Open-Shell Complex Consisting of a Diatomic Molecule in a (2S+1)Sigma Electronic State and a Closed-Shell Partner. Journal of molecular spectroscopy. vol 200. issue 2. 2019-11-20. PMID:10708530. | we also introduce all the nonvanishing matrix elements of each of the h(sex(a))(cd) and h(sex(s))(cd) operators. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-12 | Not clear |
Fawzy, Red. The Sextic Centrifugal Distortion Terms for an Open-Shell Complex Consisting of a Diatomic Molecule in a (2S+1)Sigma Electronic State and a Closed-Shell Partner. Journal of molecular spectroscopy. vol 200. issue 2. 2019-11-20. PMID:10708530. | the terms h(sex(a))(cd) and h(sex(s))(cd) and their matrix elements are also valid for any stable asymmetric rotor in a nondegenerate electronic state. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-12 | Not clear |
Sandstro. Determination of absolute configurations and conformations of organic compounds by theoretical calculations of CD spectra Chirality. vol 12. issue 4. 2019-11-20. PMID:10790186. | the more empirical schellman matrix method is employed to calculate cd spectra of compounds containing two chirally disposed chromophores. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-12 | Not clear |
Nguyen, Kho, Bae, Mehr. Glutathione as a matrix for the synthesis of CdS nanocrystallites Chemosphere. vol 38. issue 1. 2019-11-20. PMID:10903098. | glutathione as a matrix for the synthesis of cds nanocrystallites gsh-capped cds nanocrystallites were synthesized by reacting cd(ii)-gsh with aqueous sodium sulfide using specific initial sulfide/cd(ii) ratios. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-12 | Not clear |
N Goyal, P J Purohit, A G Page, M D Sastr. Atomization mechanism and determination of Ag, Be, Cd, Li, Na, Sn and Zn in uranium-plutonium matrices by ETA-AAS. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. vol 354. issue 3. 2019-11-20. PMID:15048454. | the atomization processes involved in the electrothermal atomization-atomic absorption spectrometric (eta-aas) determination of ag, be, cd, li, na, sn and zn in the presence of an uranium-plutonium matrix containing 25% pu have been investigated. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-12 | Not clear |
N Goyal, P J Purohit, A G Page, M D Sastr. Atomization mechanism and determination of Ag, Be, Cd, Li, Na, Sn and Zn in uranium-plutonium matrices by ETA-AAS. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. vol 354. issue 3. 2019-11-20. PMID:15048454. | the significant fall in the absorbance signal for ag, cd, na and zn in an uranium matrix and its restoration in the presence of plutonium is probably correlated with the change in the partial pressure of oxygen released from the matrix at/below the signal appearance temperature (t(app)). | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-12 | Not clear |
Joshua E Mealy, Christopher B Rodell, Jason A Burdic. Sustained Small Molecule Delivery from Injectable Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels through Host-Guest Mediated Retention. Journal of materials chemistry. B. vol 3. issue 40. 2019-11-20. PMID:26693019. | here, we engineered a two-component system from adamantane-modified and β-cyclodextrin (cd)-modified hyaluronic acid (ha), a natural component of the extracellular matrix, to produce hydrogels that are both injectable and able to sustain the release of small molecules. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-13 | Not clear |
Artin Soroosh, Sami Albeiroti, Gail A West, Belinda Willard, Claudio Fiocchi, Carol A de la Mott. Crohn's Disease Fibroblasts Overproduce the Novel Protein KIAA1199 to Create Proinflammatory Hyaluronan Fragments. Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology. vol 2. issue 3. 2019-11-20. PMID:27981209. | fibrosis, a serious complication of cd, occurs when activated intestinal fibroblasts deposit excessive amounts of extracellular matrix (ecm) in affected areas. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-13 | Not clear |
Matteo Piccardo, Alessandro Soncin. A full-pivoting algorithm for the Cholesky decomposition of two-electron repulsion and spin-orbit coupling integrals. Journal of computational chemistry. vol 38. issue 32. 2019-11-20. PMID:28944973. | a significant reduction in the computational effort for the evaluation of the electronic repulsion integrals (eri) in ab initio quantum chemistry calculations is obtained by using cholesky decomposition (cd), a numerical procedure that can remove the zero or small eigenvalues of the eri positive (semi)definite matrix, while avoiding the calculation of the entire matrix. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-13 | Not clear |
Matteo Piccardo, Alessandro Soncin. A full-pivoting algorithm for the Cholesky decomposition of two-electron repulsion and spin-orbit coupling integrals. Journal of computational chemistry. vol 38. issue 32. 2019-11-20. PMID:28944973. | conversely, due to its antisymmetric character, cd cannot be directly applied to the matrix representation of the spatial part of the two-electron spin-orbit coupling (2e-soc) integrals. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-13 | Not clear |
Chia-Woei Wang, Bao-Hong Lee, Chen-Jei Ta. The inhibition of cordycepin on cancer stemness in TGF-beta induced chemo-resistant ovarian cancer cell. Oncotarget. vol 8. issue 67. 2019-11-20. PMID:29340100. | after treating with 100 μm of cd, cell viability, the percentage of cancer stem cells, and the levels of matrix metalloproteinases (mmps) were decreased in tgf-beta-induced skov-3 cells. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-13 | human |
Wen Zhuang, Samantha C Ying, Alexander L Frie, Qian Wang, Jinming Song, Yongxia Liu, Qing Chen, Xiaoying La. Distribution, pollution status, and source apportionment of trace metals in lake sediments under the influence of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, China. The Science of the total environment. vol 671. 2019-11-20. PMID:30928740. | we examined the distribution characteristics of cd, cr, cu, ni, pb and zn in surface sediment of the largest reservoir along the east route of snwtp, nansihu lake, followed by positive matrix factorization (pmf) to determine their potential sources. | 2019-11-20 | 2023-08-13 | Not clear |
Xiongying Shi, Gaoting Zhou, Shuijiao Liao, Shiping Shan, Gejiao Wang, Zhaohui Gu. Immobilization of cadmium by immobilized Alishewanella sp. WH16-1 with alginate-lotus seed pods in pot experiments of Cd-contaminated paddy soil. Journal of hazardous materials. vol 357. 2019-11-05. PMID:29929096. | wh16-1 using alginate and lotus seed pods as a matrix and investigated the effects of its immobilization on cd | 2019-11-05 | 2023-08-13 | Not clear |
Jingzhao Lu, Hongwei Lu, Kaiwen Lei, Weipeng Wang, Yanlong Gua. Trace metal element pollution of soil and water resources caused by small-scale metallic ore mining activities: a case study from a sphalerite mine in North China. Environmental science and pollution research international. vol 26. issue 24. 2019-10-28. PMID:31240649. | the results show that (1) pearson correlation matrix and principal component analysis (pca) results reveal that zn, cu, cd, and pb were greatly affected by the operation of mines, especially mineral tailings. | 2019-10-28 | 2023-08-13 | human |