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Y Fukutani, K Sasaki, M Mukai, R Matsubara, K Isaki, N J Cairn. Neurons and extracellular neurofibrillary tangles in the hippocampal subdivisions in early-onset familial Alzheimer's disease: a case study. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. vol 51. issue 4. 1997-11-21. PMID:9316169. |
the hippocampal subdivisions examined included: ca4, ca3, ca2, ca1, prosubiculum, subiculum and presubiculum (pre), parasubiculum (para) and entorhinal cortex (ent). |
1997-11-21 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
K Mizukami, M D Ikonomovic, D R Grayson, R T Rubin, D Warde, R Sheffield, R L Hamilton, P Davies, D M Armstron. Immunohistochemical study of GABA(A) receptor beta2/3 subunits in the hippocampal formation of aged brains with Alzheimer-related neuropathologic changes. Experimental neurology. vol 147. issue 2. 1997-11-21. PMID:9344558. |
density measurements of nine hippocampal regions demonstrated highest levels of beta2/3 immunolabeling in the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus > ca1 > ca2, while the lowest levels were found in the granular layer of the dentate gyrus < or = ca4 < ca3 field. |
1997-11-21 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
N S Norton, J R McConnell, J F Rodriguez-Sierr. Behavioral and physiological sex differences observed in an animal model of fulminant hepatic encephalopathy in the rat. Physiology & behavior. vol 62. issue 5. 1997-11-20. PMID:9333208. |
neuronal damage was observed in the ca1 and ca2 regions of the hippocampus. |
1997-11-20 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
E Gilland, E Bona, M Levene, H Hagber. Magnesium and the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist dizocilpine maleate neither increase glucose use nor induce a 72-kilodalton heat shock protein expression in the immature rat brain. Pediatric research. vol 42. issue 4. 1997-11-12. PMID:9380438. |
both doses of mk-801 and 4 mmol/kg mgso4 induced a temporary decrease in glucose use in the posterior cingulate and retrosplenial cortex, the ca1 and ca3 subfields of the hippocampus, the caudoputamen, and the parietal cortex. |
1997-11-12 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
G J Klapstein, W F Colmer. Neuropeptide Y suppresses epileptiform activity in rat hippocampus in vitro. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 78. issue 3. 1997-11-06. PMID:9310450. |
neuropeptide y (npy) potently inhibits glutamate-mediated synaptic transmission in areas ca1 and ca3 of the rat hippocampus without affecting other synaptic inputs onto principal cells of the hippocampal formation, suggesting that its biological role may include the regulation of excitability within the hippocampus. |
1997-11-06 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
T R Sairanen, P J Lindsberg, M Brenner, A L Siré. Global forebrain ischemia results in differential cellular expression of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and its receptor at mRNA and protein level. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. vol 17. issue 10. 1997-11-06. PMID:9346436. |
the number of il-1beta mrna-expressing cells was significantly increased by 2 hours of reperfusion in several brain areas including cortex (12-fold compared with sham) and caudate-putamen (14-fold), and was maximally increased in most hippocampal regions by 8 hours of reperfusion (mean +/- sd of positive cells/field versus sham equivalent being 37.9 +/- 12.3 versus 4.0 +/- 3.3; 30.6 +/- 9.0 versus 3.1 +/- 2.3; 41.3 +/- 17.5 versus 2.9 +/- 1.9; in ca1; ca2; ca3/ca4 regions of the hippocampus, respectively). |
1997-11-06 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
T R Sairanen, P J Lindsberg, M Brenner, A L Siré. Global forebrain ischemia results in differential cellular expression of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and its receptor at mRNA and protein level. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. vol 17. issue 10. 1997-11-06. PMID:9346436. |
changes in il-1r mrna were seen in the hippocampus (after 2 hours ca1: 16-fold; ca2: 17-fold; dg: 24-fold increase; and ca3/ca4: 10-fold increase after 8 hours), and the expression was prolonged especially in ca1 and ca2 regions up to 24 hours of reperfusion. |
1997-11-06 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
A Radovsky, L Katz, U Ebmeyer, P Safa. Ischemic neurons in rat brains after 6, 8, or 10 minutes of transient hypoxic ischemia. Toxicologic pathology. vol 25. issue 5. 1997-10-30. PMID:9323841. |
ischemic neurons were most consistently found in the lateral reticular thalamic nucleus; lateral caudoputamen; ca1 region of the hippocampus; subiculum; and, with longer asphyxia times, among cerebellar purkinje neurons. |
1997-10-30 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
A L Scotti, G Kalt, O Bollag, C Nitsc. Parvalbumin disappears from GABAergic CA1 neurons of the gerbil hippocampus with seizure onset while its presence persists in the perforant path. Brain research. vol 760. issue 1-2. 1997-10-28. PMID:9237525. |
parvalbumin disappears from gabaergic ca1 neurons of the gerbil hippocampus with seizure onset while its presence persists in the perforant path. |
1997-10-28 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
J F Buckman, C K Meshu. Immunocytochemical analysis of glutamate and GABA in selectively bred mice. Brain research. vol 760. issue 1-2. 1997-10-28. PMID:9237535. |
to test this hypothesis, we have analyzed wsp and wsr mice that are both drug- and hic-naive for differences in the density of nerve terminal glutamate and gaba immunoreactivity within the ca1 subfield of the hippocampus (ca1) and layer ii of the somatosensory cortex (ssc). |
1997-10-28 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
M Sala, M P Leone, P Lampugnani, L Matturri, E Gor. Polydeoxyribonucleotide (defibrotide) protects against post-ischemic behavioral, electroencephalographic and neuronal damage in the gerbil. European journal of pharmacology. vol 328. issue 2-3. 1997-10-27. PMID:9218696. |
the following parameters were evaluated simultaneously: (1) electroencephalographic (eeg) spectral power, recorded before, during and after the ischemic period; (2) body temperature, monitored with a rectal thermistor probe after reperfusion for 120 min; (3) spontaneous motility, evaluated through a photocell system and quantified in terms of total distance travelled in 30 min, 1 h after recirculation and at periods over 15 days; (4) mnemonic functions assessed by passive avoidance test from 3 to 15 days after ischemia; (5) histological examination, 7 days after reperfusion, counting ca1 hippocampal neuronal cells. |
1997-10-27 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
M Joëls, Y Karten, W Hesen, E R de Kloe. Corticosteroid effects on electrical properties of brain cells: temporal aspects and role of antiglucocorticoids. Psychoneuroendocrinology. vol 22 Suppl 1. 1997-10-27. PMID:9264152. |
pyramidal cells in the ca1 hippocampal area express both mineralo- and glucocorticoid receptors (mrs and grs respectively) to which the rat adrenal hormone corticosterone binds effectively. |
1997-10-27 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
S R Cobb, K Halasy, I Vida, G Nyiri, G Tamás, E H Buhl, P Somogy. Synaptic effects of identified interneurons innervating both interneurons and pyramidal cells in the rat hippocampus. Neuroscience. vol 79. issue 3. 1997-10-23. PMID:9219929. |
to determine directly some of the sources and mechanisms of this gabaergic innervation, we have used dual intracellular recordings with biocytin-filled microelectrodes and investigated synaptic interactions between pairs of interneurons in area ca1 of the adult rat hippocampus. |
1997-10-23 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
D A Rusakov, H A Davies, E Harrison, G Diana, G Richter-Levin, T V Bliss, M G Stewar. Ultrastructural synaptic correlates of spatial learning in rat hippocampus. Neuroscience. vol 80. issue 1. 1997-10-23. PMID:9252221. |
this finding indicates subtle changes in synaptic organization in area ca1 of the hippocampus following a learning experience, suggesting that spatial memory formation in mammalian hippocampus may involve topographical changes in local circuitry without synapse formation de novo. |
1997-10-23 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
R S Petralia, Y X Wang, S Singh, C Wu, L Shi, J Wei, R J Wenthol. A monoclonal antibody shows discrete cellular and subcellular localizations of mGluR1 alpha metabotropic glutamate receptors. Journal of chemical neuroanatomy. vol 13. issue 2. 1997-10-23. PMID:9285353. |
overall distribution of immunostaining was similar to that described previously with polyclonal antibodies, including prominent staining in the olfactory bulb, interneurons of the ca1 hippocampus stratum oriens/alveus, globus pallidus, thalamus, purkinje cells and in cells of the outer dorsal cochlear nucleus and with little or low staining in principal cells of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. |
1997-10-23 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
G Lenz, L Manozzo, S Gottardo, M Achaval, C Salbego, R Rodnigh. Temporal profiles of the in vitro phosphorylation rate and immunocontent of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) after kainic acid-induced lesions in area CA1 of the rat hippocampus: demonstration of a novel phosphoprotein associated with gliosis. Brain research. vol 764. issue 1-2. 1997-10-23. PMID:9295209. |
temporal profiles of the in vitro phosphorylation rate and immunocontent of glial fibrillary acidic protein (gfap) after kainic acid-induced lesions in area ca1 of the rat hippocampus: demonstration of a novel phosphoprotein associated with gliosis. |
1997-10-23 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
T Fukuda, C W Heizmann, T Kosak. Quantitative analysis of GAD65 and GAD67 immunoreactivities in somata of GABAergic neurons in the mouse hippocampus proper (CA1 and CA3 regions), with special reference to parvalbumin-containing neurons. Brain research. vol 764. issue 1-2. 1997-10-23. PMID:9295216. |
quantitative analysis of gad65 and gad67 immunoreactivities in somata of gabaergic neurons in the mouse hippocampus proper (ca1 and ca3 regions), with special reference to parvalbumin-containing neurons. |
1997-10-23 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
T Fukuda, C W Heizmann, T Kosak. Quantitative analysis of GAD65 and GAD67 immunoreactivities in somata of GABAergic neurons in the mouse hippocampus proper (CA1 and CA3 regions), with special reference to parvalbumin-containing neurons. Brain research. vol 764. issue 1-2. 1997-10-23. PMID:9295216. |
the somata showing weak immunoreactivity for gad65 but moderate to intense immunoreactivity for gad67 were frequently located in the stratum pyramidale of the ca1 and ca3 regions and were mainly composed of parvalbumin-containing neurons, a particular subpopulation of hippocampal gabaergic neurons. |
1997-10-23 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
M D McEchron, J F Disterhof. Sequence of single neuron changes in CA1 hippocampus of rabbits during acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioned responses. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 78. issue 2. 1997-10-23. PMID:9307133. |
sequence of single neuron changes in ca1 hippocampus of rabbits during acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioned responses. |
1997-10-23 |
2023-08-12 |
rabbit |
M D McEchron, J F Disterhof. Sequence of single neuron changes in CA1 hippocampus of rabbits during acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioned responses. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 78. issue 2. 1997-10-23. PMID:9307133. |
the sequence of changes in single neuron activity in the ca1 area of the rabbit hippocampus was examined during daily sessions (80 trials/session) of hippocampally dependent nonspatial trace eyeblink (i.e., nictitating membrane response) conditioning. |
1997-10-23 |
2023-08-12 |
rabbit |