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J C Chen, M Chesle. Modulation of extracellular pH by glutamate and GABA in rat hippocampal slices. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 67. issue 1. 1992-04-24. PMID:1348085. |
alkaline extracellular ph transients evoked by afferent stimulation, and local pressure ejection of glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba), were studied in the ca1 region of rat hippocampal slices. |
1992-04-24 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
J R Seckl, K L Dickson, C Yates, G Fin. Distribution of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor messenger RNA expression in human postmortem hippocampus. Brain research. vol 561. issue 2. 1992-04-24. PMID:1666329. |
mr mrna was also very highly expressed in hippocampus, with significantly higher levels in dentate gyrus and ca2, ca3 and ca4 than ca1. |
1992-04-24 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
N A Lambert, T J Teyle. Cholinergic disinhibition in area CA1 of the rat hippocampus is not mediated by receptors located on inhibitory neurons. European journal of pharmacology. vol 203. issue 1. 1992-04-16. PMID:1686764. |
cholinergic disinhibition in area ca1 of the rat hippocampus is not mediated by receptors located on inhibitory neurons. |
1992-04-16 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
N A Lambert, T J Teyle. Cholinergic disinhibition in area CA1 of the rat hippocampus is not mediated by receptors located on inhibitory neurons. European journal of pharmacology. vol 203. issue 1. 1992-04-16. PMID:1686764. |
these results suggest that cholinergic disinhibition in area ca1 of the hippocampus results from decreased synaptic excitation of inhibitory neurons. |
1992-04-16 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
R Corradetti, L Ballerini, A M Pugliese, G Pepe. Serotonin blocks the long-term potentiation induced by primed burst stimulation in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slices. Neuroscience. vol 46. issue 3. 1992-04-13. PMID:1545909. |
serotonin blocks the long-term potentiation induced by primed burst stimulation in the ca1 region of rat hippocampal slices. |
1992-04-13 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
R Corradetti, L Ballerini, A M Pugliese, G Pepe. Serotonin blocks the long-term potentiation induced by primed burst stimulation in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slices. Neuroscience. vol 46. issue 3. 1992-04-13. PMID:1545909. |
the effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on the induction of long-term potentiation by a train of high frequency pulses (100 hz; 1 s) or by a stimulation consisting of one burst of five pulses at 100 hz delivered 170 ms after a single pulse (primed burst) was investigated in the ca1 region of the rat hippocampal slice in vitro with extracellular recordings. |
1992-04-13 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
H Hara, H Onodera, H Kato, K Kogur. Effects of aging on signal transmission and transduction systems in the gerbil brain: morphological and autoradiographic study. Neuroscience. vol 46. issue 2. 1992-04-08. PMID:1347408. |
muscarinic cholinergic receptor and protein kinase c, cyclic amp and l-type ca2+ channels were significantly decreased in the cerebral cortex and/or in the ca1 subfield of the hippocampus in the 21-month-old group. |
1992-04-08 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
S N Roper, A Obenaus, F E Dude. Osmolality and nonsynaptic epileptiform bursts in rat CA1 and dentate gyrus. Annals of neurology. vol 31. issue 1. 1992-04-03. PMID:1543352. |
synchronous bursting of ca1 hippocampal neurons occurs via nonsynaptic mechanisms in solutions containing very low [ca2+] and excitatory amino acid antagonists. |
1992-04-03 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
D Leifer, N W Kowal. Thy-1 in hippocampus: normal anatomy and neuritic growth in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology. vol 51. issue 2. 1992-03-30. PMID:1347079. |
normally, thy-1 immunoreactivity, which was more prominent in ca1 than elsewhere in the hippocampus, was located mainly in irregular patches on the perikarya of pyramidal cells, their dendrites and axons. |
1992-03-30 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
J C Randle, T Guet, C Bobichon, C Moreau, P Curutchet, B Lambolez, L P de Carvalho, A Cordi, J M Lepagno. Quinoxaline derivatives: structure-activity relationships and physiological implications of inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate and non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-mediated currents and synaptic potentials. Molecular pharmacology. vol 41. issue 2. 1992-03-27. PMID:1371583. |
the inhibitory effects of the six quinoxaline derivatives most potent in the xenopus oocyte experiments were also tested against the excitatory postsynaptic field potential (epsfp) recorded in the pyramidal cell dendritic field of the ca1 region of hippocampal slices after stimulation of the schaffer collateral-commissural pathways. |
1992-03-27 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
J E Haley, G L Wilcox, P F Chapma. The role of nitric oxide in hippocampal long-term potentiation. Neuron. vol 8. issue 2. 1992-03-26. PMID:1371216. |
we investigated the role of nitric oxide (no) in determining the duration of potentiation induced by high frequency stimulation of afferents in the ca1 region of the rat hippocampus. |
1992-03-26 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
G Lallement, P Carpentier, A Collet, I Pernot-Marino, D Baubichon, G Blanche. Effects of soman-induced seizures on different extracellular amino acid levels and on glutamate uptake in rat hippocampus. Brain research. vol 563. issue 1-2. 1992-03-23. PMID:1786536. |
extracellular amino acid levels in ca3 and ca1 fields of rat hippocampus, an area highly sensitive to seizures, were determined by intracranial microdialysis during seizures induced by systemic administration of soman (o-1,2,2-trimethylpropyl methylphosphonofluoridate), a potent inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase. |
1992-03-23 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
K Kato, K Uruno, K Saito, H Kat. Both arachidonic acid and 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl glycerol in low magnesium solution induce long-term potentiation in hippocampal CA1 neurons in vitro. Brain research. vol 563. issue 1-2. 1992-03-23. PMID:1786553. |
the effects of phospholipase blockers on tetanus-induced long-term potentiation (ltp) and of diacylglycerol (dg) and arachidonic acid (aa) on synaptic transmission were studied in ca1 neurons of guinea pig hippocampal slices to evaluate the role of protein kinase c (pkc) and aa on the maintenance of ltp. |
1992-03-23 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
A M Buchan, H Li, S Cho, W A Pulsinell. Blockade of the AMPA receptor prevents CA1 hippocampal injury following severe but transient forebrain ischemia in adult rats. Neuroscience letters. vol 132. issue 2. 1992-03-18. PMID:1664505. |
blockade of the ampa receptor prevents ca1 hippocampal injury following severe but transient forebrain ischemia in adult rats. |
1992-03-18 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
B S Rothberg, B E Hunte. Chronic ethanol treatment differentially affects muscarinic receptor responses in rat hippocampus. Neuroscience letters. vol 132. issue 2. 1992-03-18. PMID:1784427. |
five to six months after ethanol or sucrose was withdrawn, hippocampal slices were taken and ach was applied in stratum pyramidale or stratum radiatum of ca1 to observe population spike facilitation or field epsp inhibition, respectively. |
1992-03-18 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
R Tapia, P Salaza. Glutamate decarboxylase activity in the substantia nigra and the hippocampus of rats microinjected with inhibitors of the enzyme. Neurochemical research. vol 16. issue 3. 1992-03-10. PMID:1780027. |
three inhibitors of glutamate decarboxylase (gad), acting through different mechanisms, as well as pyridoxal phosphate (plp), were microinjected unilaterally by stereotaxic procedures into the substantia nigra reticulata or the ca1 area of the hippocampus of the rat. |
1992-03-10 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
E Gould, C S Woolley, B S McEwe. Short-term glucocorticoid manipulations affect neuronal morphology and survival in the adult dentate gyrus. Neuroscience. vol 37. issue 2. 1992-03-10. PMID:2133348. |
in contrast, no obvious signs of degeneration were detected in the pyramidal cell layers of the ca1 and ca3 regions of the hippocampus at either three or seven days following adrenalectomy. |
1992-03-10 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
F A Dijcks, G S Ruigt, J S de Graa. Antidepressants affect amine modulation of neurotransmission in the rat hippocampal slice--I. Delayed effects. Neuropharmacology. vol 30. issue 11. 1992-03-05. PMID:1663591. |
the effects of long-term treatment with the antidepressant drugs, desipramine (dmi) and mianserin (mia) on neurotransmission in the hippocampal slice were studied by examining the actions of serotonin (5-ht), isoprenaline and (+/-)-baclofen on the population spike in the pyramidal cell layer, recorded in area ca1. |
1992-03-05 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
F A Dijcks, G S Ruigt, J S de Graa. Antidepressants affects amine modulation of neurotransmission in the rat hippocampal slice--II. Acute effects. Neuropharmacology. vol 30. issue 11. 1992-03-05. PMID:1663592. |
the effects of this treatment with single doses of dmi and mia on neurotransmission in the hippocampal slice, were studied by examining the actions of serotonin (5-ht), isoprenaline and (+/-)-baclofen on the population spike of the pyramidal cell layer, recorded in area ca1. |
1992-03-05 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
R A Morrisett, D Martin, T A Oetting, D V Lewis, W A Wilson, H S Swartzwelde. Ethanol and magnesium ions inhibit N-methyl-D-aspartate-mediated synaptic potentials in an interactive manner. Neuropharmacology. vol 30. issue 11. 1992-03-05. PMID:1775222. |
the role of magnesium ions in the inhibitory effect of ethanol on nmda receptor-mediated population synaptic potentials (pepsps) in area ca1 of the hippocampus of the adult rat, was studied. |
1992-03-05 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |