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Elena Fonfria, Cesar Mattei, Kerstin Hill, Jon T Brown, Andrew Randall, Christopher D Benham, Stephen D Skaper, Colin A Campbell, Barry Crook, Paul R Murdock, Jennifer M Wilson, Frank P Maurio, Davina E Owen, Paula L Tilling, Shaun McNult. TRPM2 is elevated in the tMCAO stroke model, transcriptionally regulated, and functionally expressed in C13 microglia. Journal of receptor and signal transduction research. vol 26. issue 3. 2006-07-31. PMID:16777714. |
trpm2 is elevated in the tmcao stroke model, transcriptionally regulated, and functionally expressed in c13 microglia. |
2006-07-31 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Shao-Hua Yang, Ran Liu, Evelyn J Perez, Xiaofei Wang, James W Simpkin. Estrogens as protectants of the neurovascular unit against ischemic stroke. Current drug targets. CNS and neurological disorders. vol 4. issue 2. 2005-07-07. PMID:15857302. |
these protective effects of estrogens are seen in neurons, astrocytes, microglia and vascular endothelial cells and result in a profound protection of the brain during stroke. |
2005-07-07 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Erica J Carrier, Christopher S Kearn, Andrew J Barkmeier, Nicole M Breese, Wenqi Yang, Kasem Nithipatikom, Sandra L Pfister, William B Campbell, Cecilia J Hillar. Cultured rat microglial cells synthesize the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonylglycerol, which increases proliferation via a CB2 receptor-dependent mechanism. Molecular pharmacology. vol 65. issue 4. 2004-04-21. PMID:15044630. |
microglia, as phagocytes and antigen-presenting cells in the central nervous system, are activated in such disease processes as stroke and multiple sclerosis. |
2004-04-21 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Susan L Stevens, Tatyana E Shaw, Emily Dykhuizen, Nikola S Lessov, Jennifer K Hill, Wolfgang Wurst, Mary P Stenzel-Poor. Reduced cerebral injury in CRH-R1 deficient mice after focal ischemia: a potential link to microglia and atrocytes that express CRH-R1. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. vol 23. issue 10. 2003-11-12. PMID:14526225. |
in addition, the authors examine a potential role for crh in inflammatory injury after stroke by identifying functional crh receptors on astrocytes and microglia, which are cells that are known to be involved in brain inflammation. |
2003-11-12 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
I Badan, B Buchhold, A Hamm, M Gratz, L C Walker, D Platt, Ch Kessler, A Popa-Wagne. Accelerated glial reactivity to stroke in aged rats correlates with reduced functional recovery. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. vol 23. issue 7. 2003-08-26. PMID:12843788. |
histologically, a gradual activation of both microglia and astrocytes that peaked by days 14 to 28 with the formation of a glial scar was observed in young rats, whereas aged rats showed an accelerated astrocytic and microglial reaction that peaked during the first week after stroke. |
2003-08-26 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
Corinna Trebst, Susan M Staugaitis, Pia Kivisäkk, Don Mahad, Martha K Cathcart, Barbara Tucky, Tao Wei, Mysore R Sandhya Rani, Richard Horuk, Kenneth D Aldape, Carlos A Pardo, Claudia F Lucchinetti, Hans Lassmann, Richard M Ransohof. CC chemokine receptor 8 in the central nervous system is associated with phagocytic macrophages. The American journal of pathology. vol 162. issue 2. 2003-04-11. PMID:12547701. |
ccr8 was consistently expressed on phagocytic macrophages and activated microglia in stroke and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, but not expressed on microglia in pathologies that lacked phagocytic macrophages such as senile change of the alzheimer's type. |
2003-04-11 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
Gary H Danton, W Dalton Dietric. Inflammatory mechanisms after ischemia and stroke. Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology. vol 62. issue 2. 2003-03-05. PMID:12578222. |
this review summarizes data regarding the role of the vasculature, leukocytes, blood-brain barrier, macrophages, and microglia after experimental and clinical stroke. |
2003-03-05 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
Robert L Jakab, John F Bowye. Parvalbumin neuron circuits and microglia in three dopamine-poor cortical regions remain sensitive to amphetamine exposure in the absence of hyperthermia, seizure and stroke. Brain research. vol 958. issue 1. 2003-02-25. PMID:12468030. |
parvalbumin neuron circuits and microglia in three dopamine-poor cortical regions remain sensitive to amphetamine exposure in the absence of hyperthermia, seizure and stroke. |
2003-02-25 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
J M Pocock, A C Liddle, C Hooper, D L Taylor, C M Davenport, S C Morga. Activated microglia in Alzheimer's disease and stroke. Ernst Schering Research Foundation workshop. issue 39. 2002-12-06. PMID:12066408. |
activated microglia in alzheimer's disease and stroke. |
2002-12-06 |
2023-08-12 |
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Hyung Soo Han, Yanli Qiao, Murat Karabiyikoglu, Rona G Giffard, Midori A Yenar. Influence of mild hypothermia on inducible nitric oxide synthase expression and reactive nitrogen production in experimental stroke and inflammation. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 22. issue 10. 2002-05-29. PMID:12019311. |
therapies directed against microglia or their activation may be useful in treating stroke. |
2002-05-29 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
S Chabot, D Charlet, T L Wilson, V W Yon. Cytokine production consequent to T cell--microglia interaction: the PMA/IFN gamma-treated U937 cells display similarities to human microglia. Journal of neuroscience methods. vol 105. issue 2. 2001-05-31. PMID:11275268. |
since this interaction can occur in a non-antigen-dependent manner, it is relevant to a variety of cns diseases where activated t cells, regardless of specificities, come into contact with microglia; these disorders include multiple sclerosis, trauma, stroke and alzheimer's disease. |
2001-05-31 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
M A Yenari, R G Giffar. Ischemic vulnerability of primary murine microglial cultures. Neuroscience letters. vol 298. issue 1. 2001-02-08. PMID:11154822. |
microglia are known to secrete neurotoxic substances and have been implicated in potentiating injury in a variety of neuropathological settings including stroke. |
2001-02-08 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
A Gerhard, B Neumaier, E Elitok, G Glatting, V Ries, R Tomczak, A C Ludolph, S N Resk. In vivo imaging of activated microglia using [11C]PK11195 and positron emission tomography in patients after ischemic stroke. Neuroreport. vol 11. issue 13. 2001-01-25. PMID:11006973. |
to investigate the microglial reaction in stroke we used a marker for activated microglia, [11c]pk11195, and pet in five patients with ischemic stroke 5-53 days after infarction. |
2001-01-25 |
2023-08-12 |
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A P Fotheringham, C A Davies, I Davie. Oedema and glial cell involvement in the aged mouse brain after permanent focal ischaemia. Neuropathology and applied neurobiology. vol 26. issue 5. 2000-11-15. PMID:11054181. |
the numbers of microglia and astroglia increased significantly in the parietal cortex of aged control animals, and there were qualitative differences in the glial response between the two stroke models. |
2000-11-15 |
2023-08-12 |
mouse |
J A Ellison, F C Barone, G Z Feuerstei. Matrix remodeling after stroke. De novo expression of matrix proteins and integrin receptors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. vol 890. 2000-03-15. PMID:10668427. |
these data suggest that opn derived from microglia at the infarct border zone (and possible macrophages in the infarct core) may serve as an "astrokine" (suggested term for astrocyte chemoattractant) to organize the astrocyte scar after focal stroke. |
2000-03-15 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
J A Ellison, J J Velier, P Spera, Z L Jonak, X Wang, F C Barone, G Z Feuerstei. Osteopontin and its integrin receptor alpha(v)beta3 are upregulated during formation of the glial scar after focal stroke. Stroke. vol 29. issue 8. 1998-08-27. PMID:9707214. |
microglia and astrocytes in the peri-infarct region are activated in response to focal stroke. |
1998-08-27 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
P L Woo. Microglia as a unique cellular target in the treatment of stroke: potential neurotoxic mediators produced by activated microglia. Neurological research. vol 17. issue 4. 1995-12-27. PMID:7477737. |
microglia as a unique cellular target in the treatment of stroke: potential neurotoxic mediators produced by activated microglia. |
1995-12-27 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |
D Giulian, M Corpuz, S Chapman, M Mansouri, C Robertso. Reactive mononuclear phagocytes release neurotoxins after ischemic and traumatic injury to the central nervous system. Journal of neuroscience research. vol 36. issue 6. 1994-04-29. PMID:8145296. |
reactive microglia and invading macrophages, which appear in brain damaged by stroke or trauma, secrete neuron-killing factors. |
1994-04-29 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |