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W Mihatsch, H Russ, M Gerlach, P Riederer, H Przunte. Treatment with antioxidants does not prevent loss of dopamine in the striatum of MPTP-treated common marmosets: preliminary observations. Journal of neural transmission. Parkinson's disease and dementia section. vol 3. issue 1. 1991-08-14. PMID:1905937. |
additional daily systemic treatment of monkeys with the antioxidants ascorbic acid (100 mg/kg) and alpha-tocopherol (2,350 mg/kg) prior to, during and following administration of mptp does not prevent the loss of dopamine and serotonin in the striatum, suggesting that these antioxidants are unable to protect dopaminergic neurones against neurotoxicity of mptp. |
1991-08-14 |
2023-08-11 |
monkey |
C Casagrand. Dopamine and the kidney in heart failure. Herz. vol 16. issue 2. 1991-08-12. PMID:2066052. |
peripheral dopamine receptors of the da1 and da2 subtype are located in the arterial bed, in prejunctional sympathetic fibres, and probably on specific dopaminergic neurons, and mediate vasodilation either directly or through the control of sympathetic tone. |
1991-08-12 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
C Casagrand. Dopamine and the kidney in heart failure. Herz. vol 16. issue 2. 1991-08-12. PMID:2066052. |
various efforts of expanding and improving the therapeutic use of dopamine have allowed important progress in the understanding of dopaminergic mechanisms in laboratory and clinical pharmacology; the selective da1 agonist fenoldopam and gludopa, a prodrug delivering dopamine to the kidney, have been particularly useful in this respect. |
1991-08-12 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
M S Lidow, P S Goldman-Rakic, D W Gallager, P Raki. Distribution of dopaminergic receptors in the primate cerebral cortex: quantitative autoradiographic analysis using [3H]raclopride, [3H]spiperone and [3H]SCH23390. Neuroscience. vol 40. issue 3. 1991-08-08. PMID:2062437. |
the different regional and laminar distributions of d1 and d2 dopaminergic receptors indicates that they may subserve different aspects of dopamine function in the cerebral cortex. |
1991-08-08 |
2023-08-11 |
monkey |
M Castellano, M Beschi, E Agabiti-Rosei, D Rizzoni, P Rossini, C Poiesi, G Pizzocolo, A Albertini, G Muiesa. Renal and hemodynamic effects of atrial natriuretic peptide infusion are not mediated by peripheral dopaminergic mechanisms. American journal of hypertension. vol 4. issue 4 Pt 1. 1991-08-02. PMID:1829372. |
the possible involvement of peripheral dopaminergic mechanisms in the action of atrial natriuretic peptides was investigated in 10 subjects by administering 200 micrograms h-anp 99-126 intravenously for 30 min during treatment with 50 mg carbidopa, a peripheral inhibitor of dopamine synthesis, every 8 h, or during placebo. |
1991-08-02 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
M Castellano, M Beschi, E Agabiti-Rosei, D Rizzoni, P Rossini, C Poiesi, G Pizzocolo, A Albertini, G Muiesa. Renal and hemodynamic effects of atrial natriuretic peptide infusion are not mediated by peripheral dopaminergic mechanisms. American journal of hypertension. vol 4. issue 4 Pt 1. 1991-08-02. PMID:1829372. |
we conclude that the effects of exogenous anp administration are independent from dopaminergic mechanisms that involve the synthesis of dopamine outside the central nervous system, particularly in the kidney. |
1991-08-02 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
M Corio, J Peute, H W Steinbusc. Distribution of serotonin- and dopamine-immunoreactivity in the brain of the teleost Clarias gariepinus. Journal of chemical neuroanatomy. vol 4. issue 2. 1991-08-02. PMID:2059346. |
the distribution of serotonergic and dopaminergic cell bodies and varicose fibres in the brain of the teleost clarias gariepinus was studied immunohistochemically using antisera against formaldehyde-conjugated serotonin and dopamine. |
1991-08-02 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
J L Cumming. Behavioral complications of drug treatment of Parkinson's disease. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. vol 39. issue 7. 1991-08-02. PMID:2061539. |
dopaminergic agents share the property of stimulation of d2 dopamine receptors, and this action may play an essential role in mediating their neuropsychiatric effects. |
1991-08-02 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
G Ferraro, N Vella, P Sardo, G Caravaglios, M Sabatino, V La Grutt. Dopaminergic control of feline hippocampal epilepsy: a nigro hippocampal pathway. Neuroscience letters. vol 123. issue 1. 1991-08-02. PMID:2062453. |
in order to better understand mechanisms subserving nigral action in feline hippocampal epilepsy we electrically stimulated snpc (dopaminergic), before and after sulpiride (dopamine receptor-antagonist) intravenous injection. |
1991-08-02 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
J A Wilson, Y S Lau, J G Gleeson, J S Wilso. The action of MPTP on synaptic transmission is affected by changes in Ca2+ concentrations. Brain research. vol 541. issue 2. 1991-08-01. PMID:1647250. |
on the cellular level, the disruption involves a ca2+ independent release of dopamine, depletion of nigral and striatal dopamine, and the death of dopaminergic neurons. |
1991-08-01 |
2023-08-11 |
mouse |
F R Bell, S L Lightman, A Simmond. Dopamine modulation of prolactin and vasopressin but not behavior on satiation of sheep. The American journal of physiology. vol 260. issue 6 Pt 2. 1991-08-01. PMID:2058746. |
a possible role of dopaminergic mechanisms in these responses was investigated by the administration of the dopamine agonist bromocriptine or the antagonist metoclopramide. |
1991-08-01 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
G S Robertson, A Fine, H A Robertso. Dopaminergic grafts in the striatum reduce D1 but not D2 receptor-mediated rotation in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. Brain research. vol 539. issue 2. 1991-07-31. PMID:1675908. |
dopaminergic grafts in the sn increased, while dopaminergic grafts in the striatum or in striatum and sn decreased, the facilitatory effect of d-amphetamine on rotation elicited by subsequent injection of dopamine agonists. |
1991-07-31 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
E K Richfiel. Quantitative autoradiography of the dopamine uptake complex in rat brain using [3H]GBR 12935: binding characteristics. Brain research. vol 540. issue 1-2. 1991-07-31. PMID:1829013. |
lesioning of the dopaminergic median forebrain bundle resulted in a dramatic loss of the dopamine uptake complex in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and substantia nigra. |
1991-07-31 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
T M Dawson, V L Dawson, F H Gage, L J Fisher, M A Hunt, J K Wamsle. Downregulation of muscarinic receptors in the rat caudate-putamen after lesioning of the ipsilateral nigrostriatal dopamine pathway with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA): normalization by fetal mesencephalic transplants. Brain research. vol 540. issue 1-2. 1991-07-31. PMID:1905173. |
the autoradiographic distribution and density of muscarinic receptors was studied in the neostriatum of rats with long-term unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-ohda) lesions of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway and in lesioned rats who had additionally received embryonic substantia nigra grafts in the dopamine denervated striatum. |
1991-07-31 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
C Casagrande, L Merlo, A La Regin. Development of dopaminergic drugs for the chronic treatment of congestive heart failure. Journal of autonomic pharmacology. vol 10 Suppl 1. 1991-07-30. PMID:1983011. |
on the other hand, orally active prodrugs were synthetized with the aim of mimicking the full pattern of dopaminergic and adrenergic actions of intravenous dopamine. |
1991-07-30 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
A Burns, P A Gray, A R Bodenham, G R Par. Dopexamine: studies in the general intensive care unit and after liver transplantation. Journal of autonomic pharmacology. vol 10 Suppl 1. 1991-07-30. PMID:2098373. |
like dopamine, it stimulates dopaminergic receptors. |
1991-07-30 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
O Iimura, K Shimamot. Suppressed dopaminergic activity and water-sodium handling in the kidneys at the prehypertensive stage of essential hypertension. Journal of autonomic pharmacology. vol 10 Suppl 1. 1991-07-30. PMID:2098378. |
these findings suggest that renal dopaminergic activity is already suppressed at the prehypertensive stage, and that the reduction in the conversion of l-dopa to dopamine in the proximal tubules may contribute to the attenuation of renal dopaminergic activity in fh(+). |
1991-07-30 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
M B Djamgoz, C Usai, S Vallerg. An interplexiform cell in the goldfish retina: light-evoked response pattern and intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase. Cell and tissue research. vol 264. issue 1. 1991-07-29. PMID:1711416. |
the morphological and electrophysiological characteristics of the cell are discussed in relation to dopaminergic interplexiform cells and the light-evoked release pattern of dopamine in the teleost retina. |
1991-07-29 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
R Jackisch, M Duschek, B Neufang, H Rensing, G Hertting, J P Herma. Long-term survival of intrastriatal dopaminergic grafts: modulation of acetylcholine release by graft-derived dopamine. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 57. issue 1. 1991-07-23. PMID:2051168. |
long-term survival of intrastriatal dopaminergic grafts: modulation of acetylcholine release by graft-derived dopamine. |
1991-07-23 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
R Kuczenski, D S Sega. In vivo measures of monoamines during amphetamine-induced behaviors in rats. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. vol 14 Suppl. 1991-07-23. PMID:2097672. |
dopamine and metabolites exhibited contrasting temporal and dose-related patterns, suggesting that the decline in dopamine metabolites is functionally dissociated from the amph-enhanced dopamine release, and that metabolite levels do not provide an accurate index of functional dopaminergic activity. |
1991-07-23 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |