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M Goldstei. Dopaminergic mechanisms in self-inflicting biting behavior. Psychopharmacology bulletin. vol 25. issue 3. 1990-04-04. PMID:2697008. |
dopaminergic mechanisms involved in self-inflicting biting behavior (sbb) were investigated in two animal models: monkeys with unilateral ventromedial tegmental (vmt) lesions of the brainstem and rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-ohda) lesions of the nigrostriatal dopamine (da) neurons. |
1990-04-04 |
2023-08-11 |
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G R Breese, H E Criswell, G E Duncan, R A Muelle. Dopamine deficiency in self-injurious behavior. Psychopharmacology bulletin. vol 25. issue 3. 1990-04-04. PMID:2697009. |
based on the report that patients with lesch-nyhan syndrome (lns) have a central deficiency of dopamine similar in magnitude to that seen in parkinsonism, the age at which dopaminergic neurons are disrupted was proposed to explain the differing symptoms observed in these two disorders. |
1990-04-04 |
2023-08-11 |
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W A Hunt, T K Dalton, J A Joseph, B M Rabi. Reduction of 3-methoxytyramine concentrations in the caudate nucleus of rats after exposure to high-energy iron particles: evidence for deficits in dopaminergic neurons. Radiation research. vol 121. issue 2. 1990-03-28. PMID:2305034. |
the concentrations of 3-methoxytyramine (3-mt), a metabolite of dopamine whose concentrations reflect dopamine release in vivo, were measured after rats were exposed to different doses of high-energy iron particles to gain further information about the effect of radiation on the dopaminergic system. |
1990-03-28 |
2023-08-11 |
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G Debonnel, P Gaudreau, R Quirion, C de Montign. Effects of long-term haloperidol treatment on the responsiveness of accumbens neurons to cholecystokinin and dopamine: electrophysiological and radioligand binding studies in the rat. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 10. issue 2. 1990-03-21. PMID:2137531. |
since long-term haloperidol treatment results in a depolarization inactivation of a10 dopaminergic neurons, these results suggest that, despite the reduced firing activity of mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons induced by the long-term haloperidol treatment, dopamine is still released in an amount sufficient to maintain a normal neuronal responsiveness of postsynaptic accumbens neurons to da, whereas the release of cck is possibly decreased to a greater extent, resulting in an enhanced responsiveness of the neurons to this peptide. |
1990-03-21 |
2023-08-11 |
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R Raisman-Vozari, J A Girault, S Moussaoui, C Feuerstein, P Jenner, C D Marsden, Y Agi. Lack of change in striatal DARPP-32 levels following nigrostriatal dopaminergic lesions in animals and in parkinsonian syndromes in man. Brain research. vol 507. issue 1. 1990-03-19. PMID:2105823. |
these results indicate that dopaminergic striatal denervation did not modify the amount of darpp-32 in the striatum, suggesting that the expression of darpp-32, a protein which mediates some of the effects of dopamine in striatal neurons, is independent from the dopaminergic innervation. |
1990-03-19 |
2023-08-11 |
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B K Yamamoto, E A Pehe. A neurochemical heterogeneity of the rat striatum as measured by in vivo electrochemistry and microdialysis. Brain research. vol 506. issue 2. 1990-03-19. PMID:2137360. |
the regional gradients detected in extracellular fluid changes of dopamine and dopac indicate that dopamine release is locally regulated by an interaction between the density of dopaminergic innervation to a particular subregion and the d2 receptor density. |
1990-03-19 |
2023-08-11 |
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H Herlitz, P Hjemdahl, K Delin, G Granerus, M Aurel. Plasma noradrenaline and dopamine in renin-mediated hypertension. Clinical physiology (Oxford, England). vol 10. issue 1. 1990-03-19. PMID:2406102. |
stimulation of renin release by dihydralazine increases the da/na ratio in arterial and renal venous blood indicating release of 'precursor dopamine' from noradrenergic fibres and/or activation of dopaminergic nerves. |
1990-03-19 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
J A Hoskins, L J Davi. The acute effect on levels of catecholamines and metabolites in brain, of a single dose of MPTP in 8 strains of mice. Neuropharmacology. vol 28. issue 12. 1990-03-06. PMID:2615917. |
although changes in levels of dopamine were a good indication of the effect of treatment--particularly in the dopaminergic areas, the best discriminator between strains was changes in the levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. |
1990-03-06 |
2023-08-11 |
mouse |
R J Mogg, W K Samso. Interactions of dopaminergic and peptidergic factors in the control of prolactin release. Endocrinology. vol 126. issue 2. 1990-03-05. PMID:2298169. |
in order to determine if centrally administered ot lowers prl levels by increasing secretion of dopamine (da) into the portal circulation, endogenous dopaminergic tone was blocked by injection of the da antagonist domperidone (dom). |
1990-03-05 |
2023-08-11 |
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U K Rinn. Combination of a dopamine agonist, MAO-B inhibitor and levodopa--a new strategy in the treatment of early Parkinson's disease. Acta neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum. vol 126. 1990-03-05. PMID:2515722. |
this finding, together with the possible retardation of the progression of the disease with selegiline suggests that dopaminergic treatment in early parkinson's disease should be initiated using a dopamine agonist such as lisuride in combination with selegiline and levodopa. |
1990-03-05 |
2023-08-11 |
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J L Montastruc, G Gaillard, O Rascol, M A Tran, P Montastru. Effect of apomorphine on adrenal medullary catecholamine levels. Fundamental & clinical pharmacology. vol 3. issue 6. 1990-03-02. PMID:2575570. |
these results show that, under our experimental conditions, the effect of apomorphine is due to the activation of d2 dopamine receptors probably located on splanchnic nerve endings and suggest the existence of a peripheral d2 dopaminergic system which modulates adrenal medullary catecholamine content. |
1990-03-02 |
2023-08-11 |
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D J Autelitano, L Snyder, S C Sealfon, J L Robert. Dopamine D2-receptor messenger RNA is differentially regulated by dopaminergic agents in rat anterior and neurointermediate pituitary. Molecular and cellular endocrinology. vol 67. issue 1. 1990-03-01. PMID:2575547. |
dopamine d2-receptor messenger rna is differentially regulated by dopaminergic agents in rat anterior and neurointermediate pituitary. |
1990-03-01 |
2023-08-11 |
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G P Reynold. Beyond the dopamine hypothesis. The neurochemical pathology of schizophrenia. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. vol 155. 1990-02-26. PMID:2692761. |
although the neuroleptic drugs appear to act via an inhibition of dopamine receptors, measurements of dopamine metabolites in vivo, or of the transmitter and its receptors in post-mortem brain tissue, do not provide unequivocal evidence of a hyperactivity of dopaminergic neurotransmission in the disease. |
1990-02-26 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
M M Mouradian, I J Heuser, F Baronti, T N Chas. Modification of central dopaminergic mechanisms by continuous levodopa therapy for advanced Parkinson's disease. Annals of neurology. vol 27. issue 1. 1990-02-23. PMID:2301923. |
these results suggest that changes in central dopaminergic mechanisms contributing to motor complications in advanced parkinson's disease can be modified by procedures that provide continuous dopamine replacement. |
1990-02-23 |
2023-08-11 |
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Y G Gao, V J Ram, A Campbell, N S Kula, R J Baldessarini, J L Neumeye. Synthesis and structural requirements of N-substituted norapomorphines for affinity and activity at dopamine D-1, D-2, and agonist receptor sites in rat brain. Journal of medicinal chemistry. vol 33. issue 1. 1990-02-22. PMID:2136919. |
a series of n-substituted analogues of (r)-(-)-norapomorphine were synthesized to study the optimal structural requirements of the n-alkyl side chain to interact with d-1 and d-2 dopaminergic receptors as well as dopamine (da) agonist binding sites. |
1990-02-22 |
2023-08-11 |
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L H Gold, M A Geyer, G F Koo. Neurochemical mechanisms involved in behavioral effects of amphetamines and related designer drugs. NIDA research monograph. vol 94. 1990-02-21. PMID:2514360. |
this dopaminergic substrate for psychostimulant effects appears selective for the indirect sympathomimetics in that dopamine lesions to the region of the nucleus accumbens do not block caffeine, scopolamine, heroin, or csf-induced locomotor activation (swerdlow and koob 1985; vaccarino et al. |
1990-02-21 |
2023-08-11 |
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J M Danger, I Perroteau, M F Franzoni, S Saint-Pierre, A Fasolo, H Vaudr. Innervation of the pars intermedia and control of alpha-melanotropin secretion in the newt. Neuroendocrinology. vol 50. issue 5. 1990-02-21. PMID:2514395. |
using a specific antiserum to dopamine, these fibers appeared to be mainly dopaminergic in nature. |
1990-02-21 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
Y K Fung, J A Reed, Y S La. Prenatal cocaine exposure fails to modify neurobehavioral responses and the striatal dopaminergic system in newborn rats. General pharmacology. vol 20. issue 5. 1990-02-21. PMID:2606336. |
the effects of cocaine on locomotor activity and striatal dopaminergic receptors and dopamine turnover were studied in rat pups exposed to cocaine (30 mg/kg/day) throughout the entire gestational period. |
1990-02-21 |
2023-08-11 |
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Y K Fung, J A Reed, Y S La. Prenatal cocaine exposure fails to modify neurobehavioral responses and the striatal dopaminergic system in newborn rats. General pharmacology. vol 20. issue 5. 1990-02-21. PMID:2606336. |
no change in the characteristics of dopaminergic receptors and the rate of dopamine turnover was detected in the striatum. |
1990-02-21 |
2023-08-11 |
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S P Siva. D1 dopamine receptor-mediated substance P depletion in the striatonigral neurons of rats subjected to neonatal dopaminergic denervation: implications for self-injurious behavior. Brain research. vol 500. issue 1-2. 1990-02-20. PMID:2481560. |
d1 dopamine receptor-mediated substance p depletion in the striatonigral neurons of rats subjected to neonatal dopaminergic denervation: implications for self-injurious behavior. |
1990-02-20 |
2023-08-11 |
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